John Anderson AC has been announced as the National Alliance of Christian Leaders 2023 Australian Christian of the Year in recognition of his many years of Parliamentary Service, as former Leader of the National Party, Deputy Prime Minister for six years and acting Prime Minister over thirty times. Also, for his many excellent podcasts as well as helping initiate the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship in London last year.
Previous winners of the award have been: –
2022: Rev Hon Fred Nile for over forty years of Parliamentary Service, the longest serving NSW Parliamentary member in either House, influencing many decisions in the NSW Parliament.
2021: Christian missionary Geoff Smith, with his wife Jane, who faced a long jail term merely for giving pastoral care to abused Pacific Islander workers here in Australia.
2020: Pastor Margaret Court for her commitment to biblical standards for our society and for the public price she paid as a result.
2019: Israel Falou for his courageous stand for righteousness in his confrontation with Rugby Australia
2018: Lyle Shelton former Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby for his leadership in the “No” case against the legalisation of Same Sex Marriage
2017: Bill Muehlenberg for keeping Christians informed on religion, society, politics, family and the culture wars. Bill’s website, containing thousands of articles, received over 3,000 hits a day (that’s over a million a year). On 11th January 2020 Bill posted his 5,001 article!
2016: Dr Ken Elliott who was released in 2023 by his Muslim captors. Dr Ken and wife Jocelyn were abducted from their home in Djibo in northern Burkina Faso. Jocelyn was released unharmed after three weeks. It was in 1967 that the Elliotts first went to West Africa to work in a mission hospital.
Source: National Alliance of Christian Leaders

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