National 24 Hour Prayer Watch 47/23

This is an abridged holiday edition of the National 24-Hour Prayer Watch. During the Christmas/New Year season we encourage our members to pray into issues as given to them by the Lord and as covered by our national media.

We offer these bullet points from our knowledge as some areas that are in need of prayer as the Lord leads you.

*   Pray for those affected by the cyclone and floods in Far North Queensland and for those assisting in the recovery process.

*   Pray for the election of the new Northern Territory Chief Minister following the resignation of Natasha Fyles after failing to disclose shares she held in a Territory mining company

*   Australian retailers are said to be losing $15 Million a day due to shoplifting. Pray that as a nation we will see a return to values such as honesty and integrity in our dealings with each other even when times are financially tough.

*   Our Federal Government appears to be having difficulty in presenting a united front on a number of issues as it battles different factions who have opposing worldviews on a number of important issues facing our nation. These include our attitude towards the situation in the middle east and Israel, our response as a nation to the call for assistance from the US in providing a ship to patrol the Red Sea to protect commercial shipping from terrorist attacks, a response to the antisemitic attacks occurring in our own nation, and how to deal with the current cost of living crisis in Australia. Pray that the Government will be able to put aside factional differences and reach a position that can truly reflect God’s will for us as a nation in all of these, and other, areas of current concern.

Praying for Others

This week let us pray for Tunisia. Amir is afraid to attend church because he hears he might be recognised and punished by his community. Pray for his courage and protection.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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