National 24 Hour Prayer Watch 48/23

This is an abridged holiday edition of the National 24 Hour Prayer Watch. During the Christmas/New Year season we encourage our members to pray into issues as given to them by the Lord and as covered by our national media. We offer these bullet points from our knowledge as some areas that are in need of prayer as the Lord leads you.

*   This past week has seen a spate of deaths caused by storms, flash floods, drownings and car accidents. Pray for those who have lost loved ones as a result of these and other events, and for those who have been injured and require healing.

*   Pray for the newly elected Northern Territory Chief Minister Eva Lawler who is already facing opposition from within her own party even before she has her feet under the table.

*   New Year is a time when many of us make resolutions of our good intentions to improve our lifestyle. Many of these would lead to good outcomes but unfortunately the human spirit lets us down and we give up only days/weeks into the new year. Pray that those good intentions inspired by the Holy Spirit will remain and that God would continue to convict us of our need to put Him first in everything we do so that our relationship with Him grows stronger every day throughout 2024.

Praying for Others

This week let us pray for Central Asia. Praise God that a seminar held for members of 6 underground churches was a success. Pray that those who attended may use their new knowledge to bless others.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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