Despite growing concerns from Australian parents, the Victorian Government has disappointingly opposed a motion by Moira Deeming calling for an inquiry into medical affirmation treatment for gender-dysphoric children and adolescents.  As she rightly raised, it’s an undisputed fact that the medicalised gender affirmation practices mandated in Victoria have been abandoned in multiple global jurisdictions, for two simple reasons:

  1. The lack of high quality and long-term evidence that they actually deliver the promised benefits.
  1. The mounting international evidence that real harm is already being done to children that is long-term, catastrophic, and irreversible.

We congratulate Moira Deeming for moving this motion. This inquiry was all about the need for evidence-based care for children. But instead of debating fact, we found it sad to hear inflammatory, discriminatory, and hurtful comments directed at de-transitioners by the Labor, Greens and Legalised Cannabis parties, ignoring the trauma experienced by many.  The Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) has urged the Allan Government to reconsider their position and be open to provide much-needed care for gender dysphoric young people including those who de-transition. Meanwhile in South Australia ACL’s National Political Director Wendy Francis, along with 8 parents from all over Australia, medical practitioners, lawyers, and a brave young de-transitioner all met in the South Australian Parliament to advocate for an inquiry into the debilitating practice of gender affirmation medicalisation and all that accompanies it. As the fallout grows from what is an experimental trial, people in power are starting to listen. They were encouraging meetings, but we must push on. We won’t stop until the practice is stopped.

Source: Australian Christian Lobby

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