It is beyond disturbing that those mourning the deaths and injuries inflicted on thousands of Israelis could not have their security guaranteed in the heart of Sydney. It is even worse that they were told to stay at home while hundreds of pro-Palestine activists ignored Anthony Albanese’s advice not to attend the rally. The march held 48 hours after Hamas launched its murderous, callous and unprecedented attack on innocent Israeli families – taking more than 100 people hostage, many of them women – would have caused great trauma for many. The NSW Greens’ endorsement of the rally and questioning about whether the Hamas attacks were unprovoked proves how ruthless the left-wing party is in playing politics even in the most tragic of circumstances. Sheik Ibrahim Dadoun, who is linked to the nation’s top-ranking Islamic leaders, began the rot on Sunday night at a pro-Palestine rally where he celebrated and cheered Hamas terrorists.
Australians’ welcome freedom of speech and mature, constructive debate. But these scenes in Sydney are an ugly stain that most Australians, who abhor terrorism, will not tolerate. Federal and state politicians, who were quick to post on social media and release statements of support, must protect the rights of all Australians to feel safe and have their voices heard. Albanese was right to say the pro-Palestine march should not have proceeded. NSW Police and the Minns government clearly ignored that advice. The opportunism of activists and some political groups will come under the spotlight in coming days. While they represent a minority, their megaphone approach is designed to stoke division at a time when Jewish-Australians mourn and remember those whose lives were extinguished by Hamas murderers.
Source: Compiled by APN from media sources

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