WA Horror Abortion Bill Passes Unamended
After a week’s adjournment, the WA Legislative Council (upper house) continued its examination of the Abortion Legislation Reform Bill 2023. Sadly, during the debate, the government minister, the Hon Sue Ellery suggested that an abortion was no different to a tooth extraction. The Labor Government maintained its defiant attitude of rejecting every amendment that was proposed. Apart from the Hon Kat Doust, no Labor member supported any amendment. This now leaves Western Australia with perhaps the most draconian abortion laws in the world. The new law:
- allows sex selection abortions.
- allows abortion of healthy babies to birth for psycho-social reasons.
- allows babies to be aborted simply because they are suspected of having Down Syndrome
- does not require babies born alive after a late term abortion to be given appropriate medical or palliative care.
- does not make it obligatory for doctors to provide a woman seeking or enquiring about an abortion with information as to where she might access counselling before or post abortion.
$150m Snatched from Palliative Care to Fund Assisted Suicide Rollout
The NSW Government faces growing scrutiny over its quiet redirection of $150m from promised palliative care funding to fill budgetary holes related to the rollout of Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) laws in the State. This has sparked questions about the impact on end-of-life patients and their families. Premier Minns’ call to cut these funds is especially drawing criticism given the prior Government’s $743m commitment to palliative care as a countermeasure to VAD, which former Premier Dominic Perrottet opposed. With VAD laws starting on 28 November, there are worries the switch may worsen ethical dilemmas related to assisted suicide. ACL State Director Joshua Rowe lamented: “The funding cut to end-of-life care is heartbreaking. More, not less, funding should go towards care upholding the sanctity of life, allowing end-of-life patients to experience a dignified death with their loved ones.” He said the withdrawal will “impact families who believe that state-sanctioned suicide is unethical. With less funding for end-of-life care, the pressure on doctors and nurses to participate in, and even initiate euthanasia discussions only increases, forcing many to reconsider their career on moral grounds.” He asserted: “Precedence must be given to funding care that upholds the sanctity of life, rather than a procedure that seeks to extinguish life”.
Concerns Grow Over Queensland’s Push for Full Decriminalisation of Prostitution
Queensland’s plan for full decriminalisation of prostitution has sparked further concerns following the release of an alarming investigation into Australia’s immigration system. A review led by former Victorian police commissioner Christine Nixon has exposed widespread cases of sexual exploitation, human trafficking, and organised crime activities, raising questions about the potential consequences of the Palaszczuk Government’s push to decriminalise prostitution. Rob Norman, Queensland State Director for the ACL, has voiced deep reservations about the plan. He emphasised that full decriminalisation would primarily benefit pimps and third parties exploiting vulnerable women and girls, with potential ramifications for human trafficking of temporary workers. The ACL calls on the Queensland Government to reconsider its path and explore alternative models, such as the ‘Equality Model’ recently introduced by Hon. Nicola Centofanti in South Australia. This model prosecutes pimps and third parties profiting from prostitution while providing support for those trapped in it.
Time for South Australia to Lead the Way on Prostitution Reform
On August 30, 2023, the Hon. Nicola Centofanti introduced an Equality Model prostitution law into the South Australian Upper House. This groundbreaking legislation aims to protect vulnerable women, hold profiteers accountable, and provide proper exit strategies for those trapped in the trade. Why is this important? Full decriminalisation of prostitution has been shown to be harmful to women, with links to increased trafficking and violence. The Equality Model, which criminalises the buying of sex while decriminalising the selling of sex, is a proven approach to combat these issues. It’s already been adopted in countries like Sweden, Norway, and Canada, and its effectiveness in reducing harm to women is well-documented.
Senate Rejects Bill to Investigate Calvary Takeover
In a recent Senate decision, a bill aimed at compelling an inquiry into the controversial Calvary Public Hospital takeover has been rejected. The Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government Amendment Bill) 2023, presented by Senator Matt Canavan, sought to require the ACT Government to conduct an inquiry into the Health Infrastructure Enabling Act 2023.
Born Alive Protection Bill
In February this year, the Senate referred the Human Rights Children Born Alive Protection Bill to the Community Affairs Legislation Committee to examine and report back. The Committee decided to make no recommendations after being granted a two-month extension. It is now back in the Senate’s hands.
Source: Australian Christian Lobby

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