Michelle Pearse Takes Over as CEO of Australian Christian Lobby 

Michelle comes with an impressive track record in strategically working in and lobbying into parliaments, and most recently, together with her husband and 3 children, they have built an influential evangelical church in the heart of London for the past 5 years showing their great commitment to the Gospel. She has previously worked for the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) as the Western Australian State Director and National Spokesperson on Women’s and Children’s Issues. More than that though, she has a sincere heart for Christ and proven leadership in both the church and ACL. Pearse said “Christian influence in politics has been a long-held passion of mine. In my twenties I was the state director of the ACL in WA where we had significant wins in parliament, great opportunities in the media and also saw a real grassroots effort by the church and Christians to be a voice on the issues that matter in the Kingdom of God.”

The Chairman of the Australian Christian Lobby, Jim Wallace, said Pearse was an effective lobbyist. “I have seen firsthand her passion for the intersection of politics and the Gospel and her incredible effectiveness for us as a media spokesperson and lobbyist.  More than that though, she has a sincere heart for Christ and proven leadership in both the church and ACL.” Wallace said. Pearse was previously a board member of the Australian Christian Lobby and its associated entity the Lachlan Macquarie Institute. She has also previously worked for WA Liberal powerbroker Nick Goiran. Previous ACL CEO Martyn Iles has taken up the role of heading up Answers In Genesis in Australia and to speak internationally.

Source: Australian Christian Lobby

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