By Dan Evers Prison Chaplain
In recent times God has been sparking a work of revival within some of the inmates in Maximum Security at Goulburn Correctional Centre. A number of offenders have taken initiative to gather each day to share from the Bible and pray together outside in their prison yard. This group of inmates started as only a couple of men and it has continually been growing as the weeks have gone by. There are now around 20-30 men gathering daily out in the open prison yard. As a result, a number have come to believe in Jesus, others have reconnected with their faith and numerous others are joining in as curious seekers. This is a movement of faith that has been changing lives and gaining momentum. Inmates have testified how after becoming a Christian, they have gone back to their cells and shared their new-found faith with their cellmate. Who in turn, has then also given their life to the Lord.
As a result, there has been large increase in demand for Bibles in the Gaol. These inmates are extremely hungry to read and study God’s Word. Many have also signed up to the Crossroads and Emmaus Bible study correspondence courses. These men are publicly unashamed of their faith, and it is having quite an impact on the rest of the Gaol. Many officers and fellow inmates have been taking notice. Some have stated that they have not witnessed a spiritual awakening like this in a gaol before. A direct correlation seems to be that there is a reduction of incidents in this part of the gaol. Lives are truly being transformed for good! This has been nothing short of a miraculous work of the Holy Spirit! It has occurred spontaneously and has been in spite of the fact that the Chaplains have been unable to hold regular Chapel Services in the Maximum Security Chapel (due to a needed refurbishment of the Chapel).
Moved by the Spirit, these men have been stirred to gather around God’s word on their own and to pray and support each other in Christian fellowship. They are holding each other accountable and encouraging one other to share the gospel and to live lives that honour Christ. In the darkness and hopelessness of incarceration, God is shining light and breathing hope into lost and broken lives. Men who knew little about the joy found in Jesus are now trusting in him as their Lord and Saviour. By His Spirit, God is transforming live for good in Goulburn. Praise be to God! Please pray that these young Christians would be discipled and nurtured well in their faith and that the seeds planted will not be snatched away by the evil one. Pray that the gospel of Jesus would continue to be declared boldly and that it will transform many more prisoners’ lives, spreading also to the other sections of the Gaol. Please also pray for the Chaplains as they follow up these inmates.
Source: National Alliance of Christian Leaders

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