There are good reasons for people to be proud. It is so easy to think about pride coming before a fall’ (Pb 16:18) We want to be able to say to our children “I’m proud of you” or “I’m so impressed with you” In the next few weeks we will see how LGBTIQ people are proud of Sydney World Pride 2023 and want to be involved with the Gay & Lesbian parade in Sydney. They want the whole world to focus on them and see it as a great spectacle. Many are coming to Sydney from many countries of the world. But a number of us may not find what we see being to our liking. We could probably need to be given great discernment and wisdom about what we should think. Should we see this great spectacle as pure, lovely, commendable, or excellent? Or should we be appalled by the way participants let their hair down and wildly enjoy themselves?  There were times when Jesus saw crowds, and had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. (Mt 9:36) There was one time when a great crowd heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem and went out to meet him and cried “Hosanna”. But then a week later they demanded He should be crucified. Crowds can be so fickle.  People can be full of real or worldly joy one moment and bay for blood the next. As we look at the large crowds let us remember that God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that through Him they might be saved. (Jn3:17) Let us like Paul capture every ambitious claim that is raised up against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Cor 10:5) and let the God of hope fill us with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit we may abound in hope.” (Rom 15:13)

Let’s pray:

*  For those, especially LGBTIQ people, who have in the past, been deeply hurt by the responses or unconscious words of others including Christians, that they experience the deep unconditional love of God, including love flowing from the faces, lives and words of Christians they may encounter.

*  that we, as your people, will be willing to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt us in due time, casting all our care upon Him, for He cares for us” (1 Pet 5:6-7).

*  that during this time we will think about whatever is true, honourable, just, pure, lovely, and commendable and if there is anything that is excellent or worthy of praise, then these are the best things to think about. (Phil 4:8).



Researchers suggest that virtually all modern men (99%) are closely related genetically and share genes with one male ancestor dubbed “Y-chromosome Adam”.  Furthermore, we know that the male needs the female to reproduce, and vice versa. Neither can carry on life separate from the other. Jesus pointed this out, saying “He who made them at the beginning “made them male and female”. Christians need to speak up and demand answers from those who offer unproven theories in the name of higher learning. Jesus said we would know the truth and the truth would set us free (John 8:32).

Please pray:

*   that the truth of human sexuality as revealed by our Creator God through His word the Bible would once again become accepted as the truth.

*   that our laws and statutes would be governed by the truth of God’s word and that both sexes would be honoured and respected for the specific purposes for which they were created.

*   that any, who for whatever reason, struggle with their birth sexuality, will also be respected and assisted in every way to come to terms with that and find help in leading a full and meaningful life in accordance with God’s will for them.



Bi-partisan support for freedom for religious schools in New South Wales could be trashed following recommendations from an Albanese Government-commissioned discussion paper.  The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) paper recommends forcing religious schools and universities to comply with harmful LGBTQ+ ideology. Lyle Shelton, Family first-backed independent candidate for the New South Wales Upper House, said religious schools, on behalf of parents, should be free to address staff and student behaviours which are against their sincerely held religious beliefs.  Instead, the ALRC report could lead to the Commonwealth stripping schools of the right to hire staff who share their ethos unless their role is specifically a religious role, such as chaplain.

Mr Shelton asked, “Why should LGBTQ+ political activists be given special privileges in law so their ideology can trump the sincerely held religious beliefs of mainstream Australians? …  A free and tolerant society would allow a diversity of views and uphold freedom of association for people to coalesce around those views.” He said the Albanese government is delving into the role of theological enforcer by stipulating what is or is not essential to a religious community. Students and staff who disagree with Christian or Muslim ideas of marriage and gender are free to find a school which suits them. They should not have the force of law to bend a particular religious community to their views.

Please pray:

“I tell you, if you stand before others and are willing to say you believe in me, then I will say that you belong to me.”  Luke 12:8

*   Pray for the Albanese government, that it gives heed to the many Christians who are speaking out against this possible attempt to control and limit Christian schools.

*   Ask God to give us soft hearts and hard feet, so that we His church can love the unloved and those who want to stifle the Christian voice and be prepared to go wherever He leads us, however challenging that may be.

*   Thanking God for all Christian leaders in our country, such as Lionel Shelton, who are prepared to lovingly and openly stand for Christ and pay the price.



*   Political infighting is putting Australia in a potentially dangerous position with winter coming within a few months. The speed and efficiency with which our coal-fired power stations are closing is sadly not being matched by projects to make up the energy shortfall. Governments appear to be more interested in their woke agendas and ideologies than in the well-being of our nation. Please pray for breakthroughs in the way that our Parliaments think and the priorities they give certain issues. Pray for our leaders to give time and find ways of addressing our pending power crisis as well as the cost of living which is causing so much pain to so many people.

*    Convicted child killer Kathleen Folbigg is currently having her conviction for the murder of her 4 children reviewed by a legal inquiry. Numerous professional medical people have taken up her case believing there has been a miscarriage of justice with the children dying because of a medical condition and not at her hands. Please pray that the truth will come forth during the inquiry and that the right decision as to her guilt or innocence will be reached.



This week let us pray for Kazakhstan. Pray that believers will have opportunities to safely meet together for fellowship and encouragement. Pray that their time together would be fruitful.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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