Could a 20-metre-high, multi-million-dollar steel monument erected atop Memory Mountain at Haasts Bluff (Ikuntji), 230 kilometres west of Alice Springs become a lasting national treasure? This Forgiveness Cross has already given solid joy to residents of Haasts Bluff (Ikuntji) as well as other Aborigines of Central Australia. In the so called dead heart of our nation new life is blossoming. A local elder Douglas Multa said the vision of the cross had first come to his uncle, Nebo Jugadai, one night at an Easter celebration at the base of the mountain – It is a site of historical and cultural significance for Haasts Bluff and surrounding communities. Community members approached Ken Duncan, a renowned landscape photographer, who has spearheaded the project to help realise their dream. The cross is expected to be completed by the end of the year when a road will be constructed up to it and solar-powered LED lights installed to illuminate it. When Mr Multa and others first saw the structure completed, they felt deeply emotional and had tears in their eyes. They cried and said, “It’s in our land – our country, and makes us all proud to have something like this in our country.”  We are so thankful that a cross has been erected in the centre of our nation and we want to join with the Aboriginal community which has asked for it to be erected to fast and pray for the Lord’s power and glory to be manifest across our whole nation. We look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.(Heb 12:2). What other glory consumes like fire? What other power can raise the dead? What other name remains undefeated ? Only a Holy God.

Let us pray;

* That many in Australia will experience the solid joys and lasting treasure of a life in Christ and know how inadequate are the world’s vain pleasures and its boasted pomp.

* That the Lord will give our nation a new heart and put a new spirit within us. That He will remove our nation’s heart of stone and give us all a heart of flesh. (Ez 36:26)

*Lord, as we behold the wondrous cross on which the prince of glory died our richest gains we count but loss and pour contempt on all our pride.



It has been noted that the Victorian Parliament is often the door through which much of the permissive legislation that eventually finds its way across Australian, enters. With the Victorian elections approaching it is important that we cover those elections in persistent prayer so we are asking Prayer Watch members to remember Victoria in your prayers over the coming weeks until election day.

Please pray:

*   that the Church will be able to have influence in the forthcoming elections by taking a stand for righteousness and justice on issues which are part of the policies of the competing candidates and parties.

*   for righteousness to come forth from the Victorian elections.  Pray that Victoria would be known and respected in our nation as a State of righteousness and integrity. Pray for a government that can be trusted to conduct its affairs righteously in every area of power.

*   asking the Lord to move people’s hearts to research the policies of the different parties and understand how those policies will affect them and their family’s lives. Ask that voters be given divine discernment to choose to vote for those candidates with godly principles.



The ACT government has legislated to decriminalise the possession of up to 1.5 gm of destructive, mind-altering drugs such as methamphetamine (ice). In doing so it has become the first Australian jurisdiction to legislate such radical drug laws.  The ACT government has ignored the concerns of ACT Police, the Australian Federal Police Association and 1,800 ACT residents who have signed a petition sponsored by Jeremy Hanson MLA. Australian Federal Commissioner Reece Kershaw has previously said, “It’s going to mean that organised crime will want to target this community in particular, because they can move their product quite easily.” Police are also concerned that the increased availability of these drugs will lead to more road accidents.  Rob Norman, ACT Political Director for the Australian Christian Lobby said, “Individual lives are ruined and whole communities injured when laws intended to maintain behaviour and practices are dismantled.”

Please pray:

“Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a little while.” Mark 6:38

*   Pray for the people of the ACT, especially for the generation most at risk from the use of “recreational” drugs, that the peace and joy they are seeking they will find in Jesus Christ.

*   Pray for the ACT police, whose job has been made harder as a result of the decriminalisation of possession of drugs.

*   Pray for the ACL and all Christians in the ACT who follow the Lord and spread His Word to those who don’t know Him, that they will not be overwhelmed but will make time to “come away” and be refreshed in the battle.



*   Now that the ice has been broken in our nation’s relationship with China let us pray for positive outcomes to follow that will see the lifting of the blacklisting of Australian exports to China and a reduction in the tensions between our two nation’s which in return will reduce the likelihood of armed conflict in the South China Sea.

*   Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke is struggling to have his Secure Jobs, Better Pay legislation passed by the Federal Parliament. The bill has driven a wedge between the government and industry. The tussle has set the tone for counter-productive industrial relations for the foreseeable future. Please pray that the negotiations surrounding the legislation will result in a bill that is fair to both unions and businesses and will enable progress in worker’s conditions without the need to resort to industrial conflict and strikes.



This week let us pray for The Democratic Republic of the Congo. Pray for provision over those who have lost their homes and livelihoods for following Jesus. Pray for safety and peace in the face of uncertainty.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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