A pastor in Ukraine says people across the country are rejoicing at the liberation of the southern city of Kherson from Russian troops. However, Vadim Preobrazhensky has also told Premier local people are under no illusion that Russia may seek revenge on the city from afar. The pastor, who is a director of Eurovision Ministries working across Ukraine, was speaking after President Zelensky made a surprise visit to Kherson days after the withdrawal of Russian troops. The city was captured by Russia in March but Russian troops have now withdrawn from the area. Vadim Preobrazhensky said: “All the people in Ukraine are rejoicing right now. What we can see is a confirmation that God has his own plan for the future of Ukraine and this plan will be fulfilled, and no enemy is able to make Ukraine surrender. So it’s a great, great privilege for all of us to share this time of joy and support the people who remain fierce and strong.”

Vadim says that although the Russian troops have left the city, they left miles and miles of grenades and destroyed the infrastructure including electricity and power plants. There is no fresh water or internet connection in the area. “The information we are getting from our military and intelligence is that Russians may try to seek revenge on local people. Right now they are trying to cause as much damage as possible here. So this is a danger, but our militaries are doing everything possible to protect this city and its civilians.” Vadim is urging Christians to continue to pray for the country:  “Please pray for the unity of all Ukrainians and also believers of all faiths, because we can literally see the transformation of our nation compared to 2014. Then there was some level of division in the nation. But now the nation has become absolutely united. “We all share one vision concerning our future. Prayer and unity has become our secret but very effective weapon.”

Source: Premier Christian News

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