King Charles has shown he has lived through many changes and challenges in a society where traditions have prospered and flourished. But when his mother died , he became king and things really changed. His new role as king needed to be proclaimed across the world. This started in London, then Edinburgh, North Ireland and Wales and then in other commonwealth countries such as Australia. First in Canberra and then state capitals and councils. 2000 years ago, Jesus had been proclaimed king by a crowd “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord. ”(Lk19;38) but He was more than a king. It was revealed to Thomas who proclaimed Him “My Lord and my God!” He was told “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”(Jn 20:29) Jesus told His disciples “Go into all the world and preach the gospel ( Mk 16:15)and for 2000 years Jesus has been proclaimed as Lord worldwide. Paul wrote   “ If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.(Rom 10:8-9)

King Charles has pledged to follow his beloved mother’s selfless duty and grew tearful during the national anthem “God save our gracious king! Long live our noble king! God save the king!” and will endeavour to serve us with loyalty, respect and love. In many respects Charles becoming King will have little impact on our lives, nor will we have any relationship with him, but we can have fellowship with Lord Jesus, and He can have a great impact on our lives . When we claim to have fellowship with Jesus and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.(1 Jn1:3-7) What an amazing proclamation !

Let us pray:

* That many more of us will openly declare with our mouths, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead. That with our hearts we believe and will be justified, and with our mouths confess and are saved. (Rom 10:9)

* That God will save our gracious King Charles. Let him be noble, live long, be victorious, happy, and glorious., Show him how to be a true defender of the faith, believe with his heart, confess with his mouth that Jesus is Lord and walk in the light and have fellowship with Him.

* Thanking God for the life of Charles’ mother who was an inspiration for many. This song may help



Love and fear are incompatible – they cannot co-exist. Fear abounds in our nation, and without the benefit of a relationship with Jesus many are losing hope and suffering depression. Circumstances can change the mood in a nation however only a personal relationship with the Lord of our nation can change the outlook for an individual.

Let’s pray:

*   that a sense of desperation due to the changing fortunes of our nation and the individuals who make it up, will cause many to question what life offers when materialism fails us.  Pray that this realisation will drive many into the arms of Jesus.

*   that the love of Christ as expressed through the lives of those who are called by His name will comfort and encourage those who do not know him and result in a resurgence of faith in our nation.

*   for those without hope that they will encounter a God who is tender enough to love and comfort them yet strong enough to be their rock and fortress so they can face what life throws at them and grow stronger as a result.



The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference will advise schools that, for the vast majority of children and adolescents who experience gender incongruence, it is a psychological condition through which they will pass safely and naturally with supportive psychological care.  The guidance to Catholic schools strongly advises them  to avoid assisting students in efforts to affirm gender transitions through the use of drugs or surgical interventions. The guidance states that “a human being’s sex is a physical, biological reality”.  Melbourne Archbishop Peter Comensoli, the chair of the Bishops Commission for Life, Family and Public Engagement, said Catholic schools adhered to the “foundational principle that each person is created in the image and likeness of God, and is loved by God”.

Please pray:

“I’m sure now I’ll see God’s goodness in the exuberant earth. Stay with God! Take heart. Don’t quit. I’ll say it again; Stay with God.” Psalm 27:14

*  Please pray for Archbishop Peter Comensoli as he leads the Catholic church in its approach to school students experiencing gender incongruence in its schools. Thank God for his wise and compassionate approach.

*  Pray that Catholic schools remain strong in resisting the involvement of politically motivated organisations.

*  Let us all be encouraged by the Catholic church’s stance and pray that other Christian schools will take a similar stand.  Let’s all stay with God, take heart and refuse to quit holding on to truth till the end.



*  Today is A National Day of Mourning giving all Australians an opportunity to express their sorrow at the loss of our sovereign Queen Elizabeth 2nd and to give thanks for her service and witness to us all. Let us pray, giving thanks for a faithful servant of God as we remember all she has done, praying for her grieving family and asking God’s blessing on our new King Charles 3 as he takes up his responsibilities.

*  Senior staff at Queensland’s government run DNA laboratory have been stood down following revelations of “untrue” statements potentially affecting thousands of criminal cases. Thousands of DNA samples from rape and murder case will need to be retested after revelations scientists at the lab had been making “untrue” statements to courts, prosecutors and victims of crime since early 2018. Please pray that any who have suffered injustice as a result of the incompetence of DNA testing will be vindicated and any who have escaped justice will be caught by the re-examination of DNA now to be undertaken. Pray that all who knowingly had any part in the scandal will be brought to justice and that lower-ranking scapegoats will not be blamed for failings higher up the authority chain.



This week let us pray for Niger. Pray that God will fill believers with the courage to meet together and share the gospel despite threats of violence.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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