The Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) is calling for the Tasmanian Law Reform Commission’s (TLRC) ‘Sexual Identity and Gender Conversion Report’ to be rejected. Based on untested evidence, the report recommends a massive intrusion into the day to day lives of all Tasmanians, especially parents, caregivers, religious leaders, and health professionals. Pointing out some of the serious flaws in the report, ACL’s Tasmanian Director, Christopher Brohier, said, “This is an irresponsible and ill-conceived report. It acknowledges that there is ‘no data about the nature and prevalence of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) conversion practices in Tasmania’ yet proceeds to uncritically accept generalised conclusions and anecdotal evidence including ‘pseudonymous, anonymous and confidential submissions’ provided by activist organisations
“The report gives little or no weight to the evidence of harm done to children through gender transition treatment and downplays the considerable, globally available, evidence that a ‘wait and see’ approach to gender confused children is in their best interests. “The report contradicts itself, stating that sexuality and gender are not fixed and immutable, whilst rejecting the obvious corollary that people should be free to choose any assistance to change if they so wish. Conversion law such as this presents an obvious danger to confused children who can be funnelled into life-altering treatments they will later regret. Parents and medical practitioners must be allowed to choose what is in the best interests of their children and patients, not be dictated to by activist groups.” The ACL calls on the government to support parental rights, and proper process for medical practitioners, and reject the report.
Source: Australian Christian Lobby

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