Only 20% of people in the UK questioned for a new survey believe that Jesus is God. More than 3,000 people were polled, including Christians and non-Christians. The research commissioned by Alpha, the Evangelical Alliance, Hope Together, Luis Palau Association and Kingsgate Community Church will be used to help leaders grow the church over the next 5 years. Non-Christians questioned, also described the Church as friendly and welcoming, but said it can be narrow-minded and hypocritical at times. Church leaders say the findings give an insight into how Christians, the Church and Jesus are perceived by those outside our churches. Rachael Heffer, Head of Mission at the Evangelical Alliance, said: “It’s important the Church live out that invitation, the warm welcome of people coming in and yet sometimes battling some of those pre-conceptions of what people might think of the church.

“It presents good news both for the church across the UK and for us as individual Christian witnesses. It goes to reaffirm what our non-Christian friends think well of us and like us, that there is an ever-greater openness to hear our stories of faith.” Dr Rachel Jordan-Wolf, Executive Director at HOPE Together said: “This research enables us to see what will help us strategically with church growth. “It has significant things to say about the church’s investment in the younger generations, gives us real hope for the future of the Church and encouragement that now is the moment for evangelism and mission. “It reaffirms that, post-pandemic, there has never been a better time, or more need, for us as Christians to invest in making Jesus known.”

Source: Premier Christian News

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