US Hospitals Performed 14,000 Child-Sex Change Procedures From 2019 to 2023

Close to 14,000 children underwent some form of so-called sex-change procedures between 2019 and 2023, according to a study from a new database tracking children’s transgender clinics. This week, Do No Harm, a group comprised of medical professionals concerned about the political weaponization of the medical system, launched a data collection, Stop the Harm, which tracks “sex change treatments being performed on minors at healthcare facilities in the United States.” The findings revealed that, from 2019 to 2023, at least 13,994 children underwent transgender-related procedures, costing some $119 million. Those procedures include puberty blockers, hormone therapies, and body-altering surgeries.”  The list is likely incomplete and could be undercounting the number of minor patients who underwent care for transgender-related issues. Do No Harm performed its analysis using data from “commercial insurance providers, Medicaid, Medicare, and the Department of Veterans Affairs.”

In the immediate aftermath of the organization releasing its findings, the leading press release distributor in the U.S., PRNewswire, refused to publish a news bulletin about the group’s latest findings. According to the Daily Wire, the wire service told Do No Harm its press release about its new database is “not suitable for distribution,” saying the data is “sensationalist and makes unsubstantiated claims.” “It has been determined that the original refusal still stands,” said PR Newswire. “We will not be able to move forward with this release, and no changes would make it permissible.” Kristina Rasmussen, executive director of Do No Harm, said that PR Newswire made its decision as a result of media bias. “It is incredibly disappointing that PR Newswire would censor our database that analyses thousands of data points using a methodology reviewed and supported by medical experts,” she said. “Their subjectivity and obstinance in the face of truth betrays their ideological bias.” PR Newswire has, however, distributed press releases from left-leaning organizations — including those focused on transgenderism. Rasmussen added, “Corporate America has become too comfortable in their complicity with the nationwide pseudoscience experiment being performed on innocent children who will never be the same.”

Source: CBNNews

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