Tens of Thousands Flock to FaithFest, Hundreds Born Again

Tens of thousands of God-seekers in North Carolina attended a Christian festival with the single aim of “lifting up and glorifying Jesus Christ,” and hundreds of those attendees ended the weekend making decisions to “surrender their lives” to Him. More than 70 people were immediately baptized. FaithFestNC 2024 was held in Wilkesboro, North Carolina and featured prominent Christian musicians including Rend Collective, We The Kingdom, Jason Crabb, and Matthew West. The seventh annual event is a part of Craig Church Ministries, and according to its website it “uses worship music (in a variety of genres) and the Word of God (via testimonies and the preached Word) to unite believers, save the lost, bring a community together, and spark a revival that will change our area and beyond.” Pastor Craig Church, who is the founder and executive director of the ministry, says the event attracts tens of thousands of attendees each year. “I can’t even put into words what the Lord has done this weekend,” he shared online. “Everybody is celebrating what the Lord has done.”

Clayton King, pastor and founder of Crossroads, spoke Friday night before a crowd of 30,000 people. “I’ve never seen so many people so hungry and desperate for God in my life. I think we’re in the midst of a spiritual awakening. The world doesn’t see it. But I’m witnessing it,” he remarked. King told CBN News that FaithFest is a unique Christian music festival because its focus is bringing souls into the Kingdom. “I’ve preached at dozens of Christian music festivals over the past 37 years, but what sets FaithFest apart is their focus on evangelism. They prioritized the proclamation of the Gospel and as a result, we saw hundreds and hundreds of decisions for Christ,” he explained. Several attendees shared online how FaithFestNC impacted their lives and community. “God moved in a mighty way,” commented one of the event’s volunteers. “Such an honour to help serve in this area of winning souls for Christ. We look forward to next year.” “I was there it was amazing watching the Lord work,” another attendee commented. “I saw whole families get baptized the whole weekend was filled with the Holy Spirit.”

Leaders with FaithFest said the event’s focus is “lifting up and glorifying Jesus Christ.” “Our hearts’ cry is that the people attending this event will be drawn into the very presence of our Lord and be forever changed,” reads a statement on the website. Evangelist Franklin Graham shared a powerful salvation message on the importance of spending eternity with Jesus. “I’m thankful that many responded to the invitation to repent of their sins and surrender their lives to Christ. All glory to Him,” Graham shared on Facebook. “I can’t comprehend all that the Lord has done through FaithFest and is going to do through FaithFest in the years to come,” he shared. “I was trying to think of words to express my gratitude to everyone and the Lord. And I could only come up with one word and that is ‘Jesus’.”  No man can get the credit for this,” Church added. “I knew God was going to do something great this year spiritually and we saw hundreds saved, we saw many baptized, and we saw many great things and I think we will continue to see that.”

Source: CBNNews

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