National 24-Hour Prayer Watch 39/24 3rd October 2024

This is an abridged Prayer Watch bulletin as a result of us giving our contributing Intercessors a mini break from their workload. The full bulletin will resume on 17th October.


This week please pray for the following.


*     With the commemoration of the October 7 terrorist attack against Israel happening this week it is expected that supporters of Hamas and Hezbollah will take to the streets to celebrate their perceived victories over arch enemy Israel. Violent clashes on the streets of our cities are possible, something we want to avoid at all costs. Please therefore pray for peace to prevail on our streets, that planned protest rallies would fizzle and fail and that authorities would be kept safe as they seek to keep our streets free of violence.


*     A grassroots Queensland Jewish group has joined with Hindu and Iranian groups to launch a campaign against the Greens, declaring the party” no longer stands for all minorities”.  The current crisis in the middle east has the potential to shake up Australian politics as parties develop starkly different policies related to that conflict. Please pray that any upheaval that occurs will result in the overall Australian policy position settling on a position that conforms with God’s will and plan for the Middle East and the nations that make up that part of the world.


*      The announcement of the tightening of the rules of what the NDIS will cover will hopefully bring the spending under that scheme back into manageable proportions and make it more fit for purpose for those genuinely relying on it for support and survival. Pray that the announcement will be followed with clear implementation and that all rorts and fraud surrounding the Scheme will be fully exposed so that the proper action can be taken to rid it of the kind of abuse that has made its continuation almost impossible without reform.


Source: Australian Prayer Network


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