National 24-Hour Prayer Watch 33/24 22nd August 2024

Our Universities in Turmoil

Maybe we need to think again before we decide how and why 800 students at Sydney University responded recently to what was happening in Israel. First let us worship the Lord. He has great plans for Israel and always has. Let us enter His rest as we pray for a resolution of the conflict there. Let us hear His voice and not harden our hearts (Ps 95:8) as we can do. Let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. ( Ps 95:1-3) The students felt deeply about what many of us have been seeing happening in Israel and wanted the situation to be resolved quickly and effectively. They chose to vote for “one Palestinian state” and affirm “the right of Palestinians to armed resistance” and were against an amendment to “condemn Hamas”. The Student Representative Council (SRC) endorsed a call for a single, secular democratic state across all historic Palestine from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean Sea and affirmed the right of Palestinians to undertake armed resistance as an occupied people under international law.

After the motion by activist group Students Against War (SAW) was passed with only a few votes against it, they circulated pamphlets on campus with the Hamas triangle symbol on it. It defended the views of a student who had been expelled by Australian National University for saying Hamas deserved “unconditional support”. A Palestine activist Jasmine Al-Rawi said that this vote represented the hope of what students can achieve when they fight together. (There has been a recent huge successful student protest movement in Bangladesh). Student activists believed that to “win” the campaign for Palestine at Sydney University, they “must commit themselves to building a mass, militant student movement on campus, affirm the right of Palestinians to armed resistance, and back the call for a single, democratic, secular state from the river to the sea”. Of course, if this ever did happen the result would be the demise of the nation of Israel.  

The University declared “it does not tolerate any pro-terrorist statements or commentary, including support for Hamas – and that any demonstration of support would result in disciplinary action and other possible legal consequences.” They are investigating reports of inappropriate conduct at the recent meetings and seeking police advice on the legality of certain material used to promote the event”. Only two speakers who opposed the motion had been allowed on stage. One of them said “We have just witnessed …a vote against an amendment condemning a registered terrorist organisation and one of the worst attacks on Jews since the Holocaust,” The other was simply called a “Zionist” and told to leave the stage. The organisers then led students to the vice-chancellor Mark Scott’s office. A significant member of Australian Jewry Alex Ryvchin said “this travesty disgraces the university and raises serious questions about the failure of its administration to stop this open support for terrorism.” He continued “Jewish students and academics should not be subjected to motions from fellow students supporting the destruction of their national home” Palestinian terrorism always targets .. Jewish people abroad.

Let us pray knowing that in Christ we may have peace, and, in this world, we will have trouble. Let us take heart that Christ has overcome the world. (Jn 16:33):

*   That Vice Chancellor of Sydney University Mark Scott, and the NSW, and Commonwealth governments will be given the wisdom and strategy to know how to resolve the way the students have sought to challenge their authority.

*   That the Lord will enable more of us, especially University students, to be channels of His peace and where there is hatred bring His love.

*   That the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus. And then we will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. (Phil 4:7) including the peace of Jerusalem.


Gender Dysphoria

Today we continue a short series on one of today’s vexing issues that does not affect many people, but those it does it becomes a devasting episode in their life. As Christians we are called to look after our brothers and sisters so whilst we may feel this issue is far from the reality of our world, we believe as Intercessors we need to stand in the gap for all affected by it. Let us therefore pray for those suffering from gender dysphoria and for them to find their identity in Christ. Pertinent scriptures for this issue are “He created them male and female and blessed them.” (Genesis 5:2) and “You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:13-14).

Let us therefore pray:

*   For all media to report accurately the dangers and harm of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries, and to give voice to those in opposition to this radical medical treatment. The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy (Proverbs 12:22).

*   That those Christians involved in speaking out on this issue will present themselves before God as one approved, as workers who do not need to be ashamed and who correctly handle the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).

*   Lord, give courage and protection to all those in media who are speaking up against the demonic LGBTQ agenda. Open the media’s eyes to the evil targeting of young children. Guide them to bring to light every ugly lie and action.

Faith Protection Laws

Anthony Albanese has confirmed that he will not proceed with religious discrimination laws. As a result, he has been accused of breaking an election promise and letting down Australians of faith as well as students at religious schools. Mr Albanese said the government had provided draft legislation to the Coalition “months ago” to see if bipartisan support was possible, but without any agreement he would not proceed. Opposition legal affairs spokeswoman Michaelia Cash has refused to give the government line-by-line feedback on the draft reforms and instead urged Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus to consider “very clear proposals from religious leaders and redraft the legislation accordingly.”

She said, “It is little wonder the Prime Minister withheld the legislation from his own caucus given the shocking potential impact on faith-based schools and the level of alarm expressed by faith leaders.”  Roman Catholic Archbishop Peter Comensoli commented, “It is regrettable such important legislation is not proceeding.  However, I trust the Prime Minister will be true to his word that protections for people of faith will not go backwards under his leadership.  In the absence of any new protections, his announcement should also mean that existing protections remain in place.”

Please pray:

“Then Jesus said, “Didn’t I tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?” John 11:40

*   Let’s pray for our Prime Minister and ask the Lord to give him the wisdom and resolve to ensure that existing protections for Australians of faith and students at religious schools remain in place.  Pray for his salvation.

*  Pray that we Christians may also have the courage and faith to believe and trust that we will see the glory of God as He answers our prayer.

*   Please pray that in Australia we will not succumb to control of our lives by government; that our freedom to choose where and how our children are educated will not be stripped away from us.


Praying for Issues in the News

*   The issue of the issuance of Travel Visa’s to those seeking to escape Gaza and come to Australia has become very messy with concerns that aspects of the plan are not in Australia’s best interests and that the truth of what has happened is being kept from the public eye. Please pray that the truth surrounding this situation will be revealed and that the manner by which visa’s are considered and given will be reviewed to ensure that the integrity of our national security will be preserved.

*   New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon recently visited Australia and has said he is looking for closer defence co-operation with Australia as the smaller Pacific neighbour undergoes a “foreign policy reset”. Pray for the relationship between our two ANZAC nation’s whose leaders represent different sides of politics, that they would find common ground upon which they can both agree and become a united force in standing against any other nation that would seek to exert influence over us against our national interests.


Praying for our Nation

We need to understand the godly alliances of the past some of which are being lost due to the re-writing of history by forces opposed to our Christian culture. Our nation was founded on Christianity, in our constitution and legal system, in our allegiance to God and in our way of life. The very nature of this land led to us to be dependent on God in order to survive. We have a strong Christian Heritage. We have a choice right now. Will we continue to walk in this Christian Heritage or will we allow it to be slowly eroded and taken from us by “other gods”. This week let us pray for our Justice system which was founded on Christian biblical principles. This led to justice becoming one of the pillars of the Nation. Let us thank God for this foundation and ask Him to awaken the need for Justice to be restored through our Parliaments and the laws they pass which govern us.

Psalm 33:8-22, Deuteronomy 16:18-20, 2 Chronicles 19:5-7, Jeremiah 9:23-24

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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