National 24-Hour Prayer Watch 26/24 4th July 2024

A Focus on the Family

Families have always played a significant role throughout the Bible from the very first family – Adam & Eve, Cain, Abel & Seth. Adam was made in the likeness of God. Seth was a son in the likeness of Adam (Gen 5:3) but Cain murdered Abel. Later we are told that everything people were thinking about in their hearts were evil all the time. (Gen 6:5) so God sent a flood. After the flood God related to Noah’s family followed by the families of Abram and Jacob to ultimately bring about the coming of Jesus. The family is a masterpiece of God’s creation. Both marriage and parenthood reveal God’s character. Families can then be used by God as fundamental building blocks of strong societies where people can experience love and learn how to love others. Life can be tough, and we need people to lean on. Paul warns us “if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” (1 Timothy 5:8) So there is a strong and inescapable biblical basis for “focusing on the family.”

The Lord instructs us to train up our children in the way of holiness and truth. This is underscored by the Psalmist’s declaration that “children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward” (Psalm 127:3) In the Song of Solomon we read about the wonder of marriage, sexuality, and the male-female bond. We might see more of the value, importance, and preciousness of children, if we spent time reading about the lives of Sarah, Rachel, and Hannah and think of the joy they experienced when God removed their barrenness and granted them sons and daughters (see 1 Samuel 2:1-11). What is even more wonderful is to know that God’s desire to adopt each of us is initiated by God Himself. His decision to adopt us as His children was made before either we or the world existed. When we agree to be adopted as His children it gives Him great joy. He becomes our Father, and we can call him Abba. Strong families help build strong communities which in turn can build a strong nation. It is in families that young people can first learn moral and spiritual values which then give meaning to their lives.

Let’s pray:

*    Thanking God for the many in Australia who have chosen to be led by the Spirit of God and are the children of God, that we will know that the Spirit we have received does not make us slaves to live in fear again; rather, the Spirit we have received has brought about our adoption as children of God who can cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. (Rom8:15-16)

*   That many more of us will focus on our families, train up our children in the way of holiness and truth, and value the importance, and preciousness of our children and our marriages in a nation that seems to want to create laws that fragment and weaken families.

*   That there will be more ways of repealing or amending state and commonwealth laws which are currently undermining the significance of families in our nation. 

 Energy Transition Targets

Australia’s biggest energy companies have delivered a brutal verdict on the nation’s switch to green power, conceding significant project delays are inevitable amid community opposition. The warnings from leaders of some of the largest renewable projects in the country sparked an urgent call to boost gas supplies and keep coal plants open longer. The renewable project chiefs said they faced “significant challenges”, as they responded to a 20-year blueprint for the power grid that pulls forward the exit of coal from the market and requires a 50 per cent hike in the level of renewables to be built by the end of this decade. Developers including transmission operator Ausgrid, the nation’s largest gas pipeline operator APA Group and the Carlyle-backed Amp Energy have told the Australian Energy Market Operator that they are concerned over delays and development snags. Time frames for projects were “likely to need further extensions to reflect significant challenges faced by project proponents,” APA Group warned in its submission to AEMO.

“Renewable energy projects face complicated and lengthy approvals processes that projects must go through before construction can even begin,” APA Group said. The developers’ admission is the biggest challenge to Labor’s energy agenda since the election of the Albanese government, with industry warning major changes are necessary to avoid a treacherous transition to green power. It also ramps up pressure on Energy Minister Chris Bowen given the scale of the renewable build still to be executed this decade, a centrepiece of his push to have renewables dominate the power grid.

Please pray: –

*    That truth will be separated from ideology in the debate on energy transition in our country so that proper planning can be undertaken to avoid blackouts and failure of businesses reliant on a steady and reliable flow of power to survive.

*    That protection of the environment will not be lost as a necessary outcome as renewable projects take over our oceans, pristine forest areas and important and productive farming lands to achieve increasingly impossible targets.

*     That Governments will give proper consideration to the views of the general public, farmers, fisherman and others directly affected by renewable energy projects so that whatever finally goes ahead will not divide communities nor destroy livelihoods but provide a reliable and affordable energy grid that serves the need of all Australians and engenders community support at all levels, whilst at the same time addressing the issue of emission reductions.


Indigenous Kids off to a Flying Start Thanks to the Can-do Women of Borroloola

Borroloola in the gulf country of the Northern Territory is rated the fifth-most disadvantaged community in Australia. However, its early childhood program, IndiKindi, is driving extraordinary change.  IndiKindi is a partnership between local women and the philanthropic Moriarty Foundation.  It has never been a government policy. Three quarters of the children in Borroloola were developmentally behind in their first year of school when IndiKindi began 10 years ago.  Now the figure is 34.2 per cent.  This improvement is a direct result of the program of educational play, reading, science and maths.  The first comprehensive assessment of IndiKindi by Deloitte Access Economics finds the program has delivered results at a crucial time for government decision-makers. The assessment also finds that one of the program’s strengths was the women who worked for it. They are a steady and trusted presence in the community, and they are all qualified early childhood educators or studying for the qualification. They also help parents to identify health problems early.

The women of Borroloola are now asking the Albanese government to acknowledge their success and help other communities do as they have done for their youngest children. A preliminary report on the program last year was well received in Canberra.  It is not yet known if the federal government will offer permanent funding for the program or if they will roll it out to other communities that want to run their own versions of it.

Please pray:

“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”  Proverbs 22:6

*  Pray for the women of Borroloola who are determined to change their community through educating the young children. Pray that these young people continue on the path and pray for their parents.

*  Pray that the Albanese government acts promptly to fund and expand the initiative of the women of Borroloola.

*  Give thanks for the Moriarty Foundation and other similar organisations. Pray that their policy of helping people to help themselves becomes the norm.


Praying for Issues in the News

*   The increasing use of knives in crimes against others is getting out of control in Australia indicating that mental health issues are not being properly addressed in our society. Please pray that Governments, both State and Federal, will take greater steps to address this increasing problem within our society through the enactment of tougher laws and by increasing the availability of mental health resources to address the rapid increase in mental health problems particularly amongst our youth.

*    Our new Governor General Sam Mostyn has been sworn in and has taken up the role of the King’s representative in Australia. Her appointment has not been without some controversy due to the said strong activist views she holds on a number of issues. Let us pray that Ms Mostyn will not use her position as a vehicle for her activism but that she will respect the privilege she has been given to represent all Australians no matter her personal views.


Praying for our Nation

The current condition of the land is a sign of the sin in the Church and the Nation. From the beginning of human habitation undealt-with sin and the resultant establishment of altars of offence have caused defilement of the land. Broken Covenant and Idolatry are two areas of sin that cause defilement of the land. We can no longer afford to leave this issue unaddressed.

This week by the study of His word and the revelation of His Spirit let us identify and pray into all forms of idolatry in our Nation Jeremiah 4:1-2, Isaiah 30:1-6.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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