How do we care for the people in our nation ? There are so many things which we value and appreciate in our nation, but there are things which we would like to be different. We do love the way that traditionally there are many who care for those in need especially during times of emergencies such as fires, floods, or the impact of Covid and flu. But how can we really care when ways are needed for more permanent differences ? We can thank God for all the care that is shown in our nation as well as seeking to learn more from Him about how we can both care and pray. It is too easy to just pray about things we would like to see changed but forget that we may also need to be changed. What is on God’s heart?  Are we all being overcome by the impact of our rapidly changing world?  How do we care for others who are suffering even more than most of us by being made homeless by fires or floods, imprisoned wrongly, or suffering some sort of identity crisis?  How do we pray for organisations such as Lifeline, World Vision, hospitals , old people’s homes where many are overworked and tired? Churches, including the Salvation Army, are helping to rescue people from danger, poverty, fear, sickness, or oppression. If they don’t get it ‘right’ they are often challenged, mocked, rubbished, or marginalised.  We need to pray for governments as they run our country by creating laws, try to spend money appropriately and create organisations to support the poor and marginalised. Some have tried to help alter society’s values. In helping Aboriginal families, we can be seen to alienate children from their mothers. Can we care without trying to take control of the way we care or come across as experts? When caring is mishandled it can easily create greater oppression and ignore the wishes of those needing care. How then do we care for people, so that they become free and not remain oppressed?

For the early church caring became a hallmark of their communities and no wonder many wanted to join. Believers showed their care by being devoted to one another.. having everything in common.. giving to those who in need.. meeting together, praising God.. eating together with glad and sincere hearts.. and enjoying the favour of all the people (from Acts 2:42-47).  Those in Corinth were encouraged to see weaker people as indispensable, give greater honour to those who lacked it, rejoice with those who rejoiced. ( From 1 Cor 12: 21-26)

Let’s pray:

* That the Lord’s presence and power will underpin all real caring activities to give a sense of real freedom, joy and hope.

* That people will be released by the Holy Spirit to see need and how to effectively show care and respond with love.

*Thanking God that there are in our nation many who care for others and are prompted to show it in many ways.



“The Israelites continued to groan under their burden of slavery. They cried out for help and their cry rose to God. God heard their groaning and He remembered His covenant promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He looked down on the people of Israel and knew it was time to act.” (Exodus 2:23-25 NLT)   Like the children of Israel we too must cry out to God for our nation. God will always keep His promise – “He remembered His covenant promise…and knew it was time to act.” God works according to His plan, not ours. He has set a schedule for answering our prayers and delivering us, so keep praying and believing Him.

Please pray:

*  crying out to God for our Nation with boldness and faith reminding Him of His covenant promise to save us from the oppressor and deliver us from all evil.

*  acknowledging we cannot save ourselves, and throwing ourselves upon His grace and mercy.

*  that God would open doors which will give our nation an opportunity to experience new realms of His love and give us renewed hope for our future.



A new community survey conducted in key Victorian state seats regarding gender ideology has been released.  The results clearly show that there is no appetite for radical gender theory to be taught to little children. Of the thousands of Victorians questioned almost half had no idea that  the Andrews Government is pursuing an agenda  to expose children as young as 3 years old to gender fluid ideology.  And more than two thirds of respondents were unaware that the government’s agenda included transitioning children without parental consent.   90% of people were opposed to the policy. A spokeswoman for the survey company Kirralie Smith, said parents are fed up with Andrew’s relentless push to sexualise children.

Please pray:

“Do what the Lord says, and wait for His help.  He will reward you and give you the land He promised.  You will see the wicked being forced to leave.  I once saw a wicked man who was powerful.  He was like a strong, healthy tree.  But then he was gone.  I looked for him but I could not find him.”  Psalms 37:34-36

*   Pray that Victorians vote for righteousness in the November elections and against the radical ideology being introduced into Victorian Schools.

*   Pray for the Victorian Education Department.  Pray that the push to sexualise school children and indoctrinate them into gender fluid ideology will stop.

*   Pray for the Binary organisation which seeks to oppose radical gender ideology and its spokeswoman Kirralie Smith.  Pray that the Lord will increase its effectiveness even more.



*   The Chinese Ambassador to Australia has made a speech at the National Press Club in Canberra full of menace and threat, lightly disguised in diplomatic tone. He said that in order for the relationship between his nation and Australia all we had to do was stop criticism of China for its well justified actions against Taiwan and Japan, lift restrictions on Huawei and other Chinese companies, accept that the imprisonment, isolation and secret trial of Australian citizens in China as perfectly normal part of the Chinese judicial process, work to establish a positive image of China in Australia, accept that the one-China, two systems experiment in Hong Kong has been a tremendous success. Such demands to capitulate on all of Beijing’s demands are deemed totally unreasonable by the Australian Government. Please pray for God’s continued protection against the expansionary plans of the Chinese Communist Party government and His intervention to bring peace and stability in this pending crisis.

*    In another threat to Australia Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has launched a bid to remain in power beyond his constitutionally mandated four-year term. This is a direct power-play from the Chinese Communist play-book and if enacted would further divide the South Pacific nations with implications for security generally within the South Pacific. Please pray for the people of the Solomon Islands to be alert to the motives behind this move and would vote down the changing of the constitution to give legality to it.



This week let us pray for Morocco. Pray for the emotional and physical healing of Mouha, a believer who was beaten by his friends after they discovered a secret Bible in his pocket.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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