Premier Bans Abortion Debate in Queensland Parliament

In a shock move, Premier David Crisafulli has ruled to ban any changes to Queensland’s abortion laws in the next four years. “I move that notwithstanding anything in standing or sessional orders, this house orders that no bill or amendment, seeking to amend the Termination of Pregnancy Act 2018 is allowed to be introduced,” Mr Crisafulli said. “And no motion or amendment, seeking to have this house express its views on the Termination of Pregnancy Act 2018 is allowed to be moved. And two, the Speaker is to rule out of order any bill, motion or amendment that offends the order.” This motion of banning certain matters from being considered or debated at the start of a term of Government sets a dangerous precedent for democratic principles.  It also stifles any opportunity to legislate protections for babies born alive after an abortion, or to wind back extreme late-term abortion where viable babies of 36 to 40 weeks can be aborted rather than born – a heartbreaking outcome for Queensland’s most vulnerable lives. We invite you to join us in prayer for Queensland, its Members of Parliament, and for this decision to be reversed.

Source: Australian Christian Lobby

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