Bill to Protect Women’s Sex-Based Rights blocked in Senate Before it was Heard

Democracy is under serious threat in Australia. The government is proposing a misinformation/disinformation bill that means they will be the sole arbitrators of truth in this country. They have also determined that parliamentary process should be ignored and debate about contentious issues is not necessary. Pauline Hanson recently attempted to introduce a bill to protect the reality and nature of biological sex, restoring women’s sex-based rights in Australia. The Senate was not even given the opportunity to hear a reading of the bill or debate it as the Labor majority decided to reject the process altogether. “Hard-won rights for Australian women under attack from trans activism have been denied by Labor and the Greens in the Senate. One Nation leader Senator Pauline Hanson’s legislation to re-insert definitions for biological men and women in the Sex Discrimination Act was denied introduction, while the Senator herself was denied her right to speak in the chamber. Senator Hanson said Labor and Green hypocrisy was on full display after they had supported a bill on a code of conduct requiring respect for diverse views in Parliament.

“Labor and the Greens only respect views which align with their own,” she said. Hanson went on “They are hypocrites, refusing to debate legislation aimed at protecting sex-based rights that generations of Australian women have fought for over many decades. They’re refusing the debate because their position is indefensible. Human biology, with men and women defined by chromosomes and physical features, is a reality which cannot be denied. These hard-won rights and private spaces are now under attack by trans activism, with men claiming to be women taking them from biological women. Labor and the Greens claim to support women’s rights, but their conduct demonstrates they do not. Biological women seeking protection from men intruding on their privacy have no support from these hypocrites who think contrived gender identities are more important than human biological reality. Labor and the Greens have zero empathy for biological women in Australia, and no respect for the generations of Australian women who sacrificed so much to win their rights. This is not the end of it. I will never stop fighting for the rights of real Australian women.”

Source: Binary

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