CLP win in Northern Territory a win for Faith-Based Schools, Freedom of Religion, and Babies Born Alive Following Abortion

The Australian Christian Lobby’s (ACL) Northern Territory (NT) Director, Nicholas Lay, says the Country Liberal Party (CLP) win in the recent NT General Election was a “win for Faith-Based Schools, freedom of thought and religion, and babies born alive following a failed abortion. The CLP has committed to repeal changes made to the Anti-Discrimination Act in 2022 by the Labor Government. Repealing these amendments will protect Faith-Based Schools and the ability to freely practice religion without fear of persecution through radical offence-based laws.” The ACL looks forward to these changes being made quickly. The ACL also looks forward to protections and human rights being put in place for babies born alive following abortion. Nicholas Lay says, “Despite the fanfare and misleading weaponisation of this issue against the CLP leading into the election, voters have proven that they want protections for babies born alive following abortion and that they deserve the same human rights as any other person does.”

“This commitment by the CLP will, in a small but significant way, honour the lives of the babies that have been born alive following an abortion and left to die. Babies such as Jessica Jane, the precious NT baby of whom the NT Coroner said, “The evidence established that the deceased was fully born in a living state. In the 80 minutes of her life, she had a separate and independent existence to her mother. The deceased was not and should not be described as a “foetus”, an “aborted foetus”, an “abortus”, a “living foetus” or a “living abortus”, or anything else that diminishes her status as a human being. Similarly, the purpose of the induction procedure (which was to abort the delivery of a live baby) should not be allowed to diminish her status as a human being.” Nicholas Lay further says, “I commend the CLP for their boldness going into an election and listening to Christians and the faith-based community, I am looking forward to working with the incoming Country Liberal Government and the newly elected members”. Nicholas Lay concluded, “Indeed, with the fulfilment of these promised changes, the Territory of tomorrow will most certainly be better than the Territory of today.”

Source: Australian Christian Lobby

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