National 24-Hour Prayer Watch 35/24 5th September 2024

Feeling included or excluded? 

Our national anthem proclaims “we are one” but there are many in our nation who still feel excluded for one reason or another. It could be because of their appearance, race, gender, sexuality, language, or refugee status. To bind us together is not easy. The government would like to help, but we all need to play our part. It is our natural tendency to form groups of people such as family or religious groups. But sometime groups that form could threaten our unity or even our democratic way of life. If allowed to grow, they could cause a real division in our nation. People sometimes divide into social groups which are then perceived by themselves and others as privileged or oppressed. The oppressed groups may want more recognition and, sometimes, compensation. In the past there have been so called liberation movements including feminism, Aboriginal activism, civil rights, gay liberation, or gender identity. Religious groups sometimes set up political parties that promote their way of thinking.

These groups can be explicit about the ways they think a government is wrong. For instance, Mr Kheir, a Muslim solicitor at Birchgrove Legal, wrote to Mr Albanese on two occasions to inform him that his government was “supporting war crimes”. Mr Husic, who was one of the first Muslim cabinet ministers, said Senator Payman had been brave in drawing attention to the issue of “moral silence” on the conflict. It is easy to shun or challenge anyone who expresses views that are deemed to be “insensitive” Those who feel excluded often challenge those who they feel have hurt them. They can think there are many structures of oppression in our nation which are based on traditional or established privilege. Could Australia’s greatness be valued by the way diversity is valued in a multicultural environment?

Let’s pray:

*    That there be love shared among us. That there be love in our eyes. May His love sweep our nation. Give us a fresh understanding of brotherly love that is real. Let there be love shared among us. Let there be love.

*    That each of us, especially politicians, would choose to address issues where there is a potential conflict and differences of opinion with great sensitivity, grace, and not with rebuttal, but with a willingness both to listen, and be firm.

*    For any underlying lack of integrity in any political or social group or politician to be exposed particularly when they could undermine our nation.


Gender Dysphoria

Today we conclude a short series on one of today’s vexing issues that does not affect many people, but those it does it becomes a devasting episode in their life. As Christians we are called to look after our brothers and sisters so whilst we may feel this issue is far from the reality of our world, we believe as Intercessors we need to stand in the gap for all affected by it. Let us therefore pray for those suffering from gender dysphoria and for them to find their identity in Christ. Pertinent scriptures for this issue are “He created them male and female and blessed them.” (Genesis 5:2) and “You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:13-14).

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth (3 John 1:4).

Please pray:

*   For the people who de-transition back to the gender and sex You created them. May they be a powerful witness to Your goodness and mercy. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:32).

*   For all those who are de-transitioning. Pray they find doctors and therapists who will help them and have compassion for them.  Pray their voices will not be silenced, and the truth of what they are saying will be heard and listened to.

*   Protect those who seek to de-transition from the backlash and cruelty of transgender activists. Heal them from their spiritual and bodily trauma.


Transgender Woman’s Court Win Undermines Women’s Rights

Transgender woman Roxanne Tickle has won a novel gender identity case brought against a women’s-only social media app and its owner after she was excluded from the platform. The transgender woman claims she was initially accepted into the app in February 2021 after she submitted a “selfie” through Giggle’s third-party artificial intelligence tool but was later blocked when Ms Grover surveyed the image herself.  It is the first time a case alleging gender identity discrimination has been heard by the Federal Court following changes to the Sex Discrimination Act in 2013, which made it unlawful to discriminate against a person on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex status.

Please pray:

*  That the implications that flow from this decision will not result in transgender woman being able to overturn the rights of biological women to woman only spaces such as public toilets.

*  That upon appeal that this decision will be overturned.

*  That the funds needed to fight this legal case will be forthcoming so that all the costs do not fall on Ms Grover who is fighting the case on behalf of all women.


Praying for Issues in the News

*   A Coalition of Queensland’s religious leaders are readying for a major fight with the Miles Labor Government ahead of next month’s state election over a proposed overhaul of workplace sexual harassment laws which they warn could force faith-based institutions to teach against their beliefs on sexuality and gender. Please pray that the religious leaders will be successful in having the proposed new laws abandoned and that they will not be forced to teach against Christian doctrine and values in their institutions.

*   The Australian economy is in a perilous state, and not just because Australia has recorded the weakest annual growth rate of 1% outside a crisis since the early 1990’s recession. Gross domestic product and household consumption per person have fallen now for six straight quarters. The Government does not appear to have the answers to the current situation other than to keep paying out grants to cover cost of living increases. Please pray for wisdom to be given to Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers as to the action that the Government should take to correct the current unsatisfactory situation and also to the Federal Coalition as they put together alternative policies in readiness for the forthcoming election.


Praying for our Nation

The church introduced a system of mission hospitals throughout the Nation and was instrumental in the establishment of the Royal Flying Doctor Service. Let us pray for a government which will show the same initiative, caring and creativity with the health system today.

Exodus 15.22-26, Mark 16:15-18, James 5:13-15


Source: Australian Prayer Network

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