National 24-Hour Prayer Watch 32/24 15th August 2024

Challenging Times 

We live in challenging times. When ASIO’s decided to raise Australia’s terrorism threat level to “probable” it is a stark reminder of how challenging these times are. Then there are the rising global tensions, particularly in the Middle East, or threats of large-scale civil unrest in “civilised” democracies which might soon include ours. But never let us lose our hope or faith in God. There are the increasing economic pressures on families which are skyrocketing. Governments are trying to cut costs without necessarily fully understanding the needs of those they are seeking to serve. We need to pray that they show a greater focus on providing a compassionate service to those in need. Then there are destructive ideologies trying to impact our youth at an alarming rate. State and commonwealth governments urgently need to take notice of the increasing international evidence against the use of such things as puberty blockers and create laws which block their use rather than laws which override the reasonable concerns of parents and medical practitioners.

There is also a lot of online disinformation and manipulation which is coming though the social media. Amidst this turbulence, it is easy to fix our thoughts on a negative outlook for the future, rather than on God from whom we can experience a deep abiding peace and a sense of identity. We can be light-bearers and hope-bringers, rather than fear-mongers.  Jesus said that knowing the truth (presented in love) has the power to set people free, (Jn 8: 32) – a spiritual freedom from the bondage of sin. We are being confronted by lies and sin, but there is a life-changing message we can share with our politicians and neighbours as well as reaching out in faith to the next generation. This will not always be easy. There is a need for a path of national repentance and personal transformation. For issues that seem ‘humanly’ impossible for anyone to deal with, we can rely on God with a confidence that He is ‘divinely’ able to do all we commit to Him. We do know whom we have believed and are persuaded that He is able to keep that which we have committed unto Him against that day. ( 2 Tim 1:12)

Let’s pray:

* For us to be still, know that God is God and that He will be exalted in the earth, especially Australia, and not to be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, knowing whom we have believed, and persuaded that Christ is able to keep that which we have committed unto Him against that day. (2 Tim 1:12)

* For care and support to be provided to children, those with disabilities or to people who are frail due to old age. For this to be done both informally within households and by those who are suitably qualified and want to care. But not by a workforce which is costly, paid inadequately and lacks skills.

* For governments and businesses and for those who are doing caring work to be showing more focus on providing a compassionate service to those in need than on profitability.


Gender Dysphoria

Today we continue a short series on one of today’s vexing issues that does not affect many people, but those it does it becomes a devasting episode in their life. As Christians we are called to look after our brothers and sisters so whilst we may feel this issue is far from the reality of our world, we believe as Intercessors we need to stand in the gap for all affected by it. Let us therefore pray for those suffering from gender dysphoria and for them to find their identity in Christ. Pertinent scriptures for this issue are “He created them male and female and blessed them.” (Genesis 5:2) and “You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:13-14).

Let us therefore pray:

*   We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).

*   Teach us your way, LORD, that we may rely on your faithfulness; give us an undivided heart, that we may fear your name (Psalm 86:11).

*   Lord, we pray against all those who champion this delusion that they will reject this false and demonic ideology and embrace the truth of biology. May they seek your righteousness. We praise you for those authorities that are banning so-called gender-affirming care. May every government have the courage and wisdom to do so.


Protection of Women in Sport

The Paris Olympics have experienced a number of missteps and controversy. Concerns were raised about the safety of women competitors as they competed on an unfair playing field against male athletes claiming to be women. Wendy Francis, National Director of Politics for the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL), said, “Despite not being allowed to compete at the 2023 World Championships because their tests proved they have XY chromosomes, two male boxers (Imane Khelif from Algeria and Lin You Ting from Taiwan) entered the ring against women boxers in these Olympics.”  She added that it was difficult to imagine how this could be a level playing field, taking the men’s proven biological physical advantage into account.  Australia’s women’s soccer team, the Matilda’s, faced a male striker, (now identifying as a transgender female), Racheal Kundananji from Zambia.  In 2022 Kundananji was banned from the Africa Cup of Nations tournament after tests revealed testosterone levels above those allowed by the Confederation of African Football. Wendy Francis concluded, “The Olympic movement is no longer the inspiration it once was.  The motivation is diminishing for young girls to train for years to be the next generation of female sports stars when the very real potential is that, in the end, they could be competing against men.”

Please pray:

“He who planted the ear, shall He not hear? He who formed the eye, shall He not see?  He who instructs the nations, shall He not correct, He who teaches man knowledge? The Lord knows the thoughts of man, that they are futile.”  Psalm 94:9-11

*   Pray that the great deception around gender fluidity, so blatantly demonstrated during the Olympics, arouses people to recognise the unfairness and outright evil and to stand against it.

*   Thank Him for all the Christian athletes in these Olympic games who have strongly demonstrated their love for Him in words and actions.

*   Pray for protection for Wendy Francis and the ACL, and for their influence and truth speaking to be heard and acted upon.


Praying for Issues in the News

*   Anti-Israel (pro Palestinian) protests are getting out of control with Police being called to a Sydney council chambers this past week after a Greens-led pro-Palestine protest turned ugly forcing the abandonment of the meeting amid safety concerns for Jewish speakers who were targeted. This kind of violent behaviour is unacceptable in Australia and must be stamped out by our Governmental authorities. Please pray that this kind of physical and verbal violence will be nipped in the bud and not allowed to become part of Australian society. Pray that the people of Australia will begin to understand the spirit behind such protesting and reject it when they have a chance to express their opinions at the ballot box.

*   The Department of Home Affairs has granted 2992 visas to holders of a Palestinian Authority travel document since the October 7 attacks with the inability to properly check the security credentials of those seeking entry to Australia. Some are concerned that compassion is overriding the need to protect our national security with many seeking to escape from Gaza still expressing their support of Hamas and its actions in Gaza and potentially having terrorist links.  Pray that our Government will get the balance between compassion and national security right and not be governed by self interest in protecting parliamentary seats in areas of heavy Muslim population as some suspect.

Praying for our Nation

Failure to live in right relationship with God has led to both the church and the Nation living in wrong relationship with man. Because the church has been unwilling to address the sins of the past, God has been bringing these sins to public notice in these days. Because of His great love for us, He is no longer prepared to allow these sins to continue. We must recognise and confess these sins if we are going to be able to repent for these sins and allow God to restore the people and the land. This is called identificational repentance.

This week by the study of His Word and the revelation of His Spirit let us identify and pray into the consequence of the Shedding of Innocent Blood Jeremiah 7:31-34, James 5:1-6, 2 Sam 12:1- 14.


Source: Australian Prayer Network

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