Muslim Mob Reportedly Tries to Kill Christian Woman Over Blasphemy Charge

Chaos in Pakistan continues after a woman was reportedly nearly lynched after being accused of desecrating the Quran. A Muslim mob reportedly tried to slaughter Saima Masih, 32, after the woman was accused of blasphemy, an increasingly common false charge in the South Asian nation. The mob assault unfolded August 7 in the village of Kathore, with the mother of two narrowly escaping demise, Christian Daily International–Morning Star News reported. “The mob would have lynched Saima if the police had not reached there on time and rescued her,” Masih’s attorney, Akmal Bhatti, chairman of the Minorities Alliance Pakistan (MAP), told the outlet. “The mob also reportedly attacked some other Christian residents of the village, forcing them to flee their homes and hide in the fields to save their lives.” Bhatti said he and his team rushed to the village as soon as they heard the news, but that hundreds of Muslims blocked the highway. Meanwhile, Masih was arrested and charged with a crime and, under those charges, could face life in prison; her family has fled into hiding. The attorney said his client purportedly denied the charges, which unfolded after a neighbour lobbed the accusation of desecrating the Quran at her. He believes it could be the result of a “personal vendetta” at the hands of Islamic neighbours, according to Christian Daily International–Morning Star News. “The police saved Saima’s life but registered a blasphemy case against her under the pressure of the mob, which is very unfair,” Bhatti added. “The poor woman will now have to suffer in prison for years while her two children will be deprived of her love and care.”  These incidents are tragically becoming more routine in Pakistan. David Curry, CEO of Global Christian Relief, told CBN News Pakistan’s blasphemy laws can lead to such mob violence and evils perpetuated against Christians. “They have very strong blasphemy laws, which I describe as vigilante laws that give any extremist the ability to make an accusation against a Christian that they have offended, in some way, Muhammed,” Curry said. “And then rile up a mob to attack them, and in many cases kill them.”

He said some rely on these blasphemy laws to imprison and dole out the death sentence to Christians, often relying on fraudulent claims to make their case. “In all these years I’ve been doing this, I don’t remember a case that seemed at all legitimate,” Curry said. “It’s just very common that there are false charges brought.” Pakistan ranks on Open Doors’ World Watch List as the seventh most dangerous place for Christians. Curry said it’s important for Christians around the globe to bring together their “collective voice to put pressure on Pakistan.” He noted the nation wants to be part of the business community, encouraging people to shine light on these injustices so people within Pakistan stand up and change these behaviours.

Source: Faithwire

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