Politicians’ Historic Embrace of God Stuns Lawmakers

A Tennessee politician is on a passionate mission to urge fellow citizens to turn back to the Lord.  Monty Fritts recently took the historic step of spearheading a resolution calling Tennesseans to coalesce for 30 days of prayer, fasting, and seeking God on behalf of the state. Fritts told CBN News it’s a near-miracle legislators in both the Tennessee House and Senate approved House Joint Resolution 803 and the governor then signed it — a difficult feat, particularly in an era when people routinely battle over views on the separation of church and state. “To get to 82 votes in the House and 27 in the Senate … I think God moved that evening,” he said of the vote. “I’m certain of it. And I think that the Lord is giving us an opportunity to, as Zechariah 1 says, turn to Him so He can turn to us.” HJR 803 calls for “prayer and fasting in Tennessee” to unfold from July 1-July 31, citing everything from human trafficking to violence and drug abuse — evils plaguing the state, nation, and world.

“We recognize that God, as Creator and King of all Glory, has both the authority to judge and to bless nations or states,” the resolution reads, in part. “Be it further resolved that we, as public servants in the Tennessee General Assembly, seek God’s mercy upon our land and beseech Him to not withdraw His hand of blessing from us.” The resolution has been a long time in the making, and Fritts relied on pastors and staff to help him craft the faith-driven language. “I started working on this about a year ago,” he said. “I pulled in some pastor friends to kind of read over it and help me refine it to what we have now.” The lawmaker expressed frustration with the state of affairs in Tennessee and in America more broadly, citing the “vitriol and the division in the nation.” “I think God just opened my eyes,” Fritts said, noting he fears “God may be removing his hand of blessing from Tennessee and maybe even applying his hand of judgment.”

Far from a mere proclamation, the effort, titled, “A Resolution to Seek God’s Hand of Mercy Healing on Tennessee,” sparked associated events and gatherings all over Tennessee. Already, Fritts and others have been to more than 60 counties where prayer and worship events have unfolded. He said they plan to go to all 95 counties before the month is over. As for anyone who tries to challenge Fritts over the separation of church and state, he said he believes many simply misunderstand the issue and have been “taught…a lie” about the role of faith in society. “I think it’s a lie from hell,” he said. “The America we see today, the Tennessee we see today is a result of the church recoiling from her position to be a light into the world.” Fritts continued, “And our Tennessee Constitution twice mentions God Almighty — capital ‘G,’ capital ‘A.’ Our founders and framers of this state and our nation fully expected the man in public service, to sit under the man of God being taught and instructed by the word of God.”

The elected official said people started separating decades ago from this concept and that we have seen, as a result, “brokenness in our homes” and other issues, including the Fentanyl crisis, border chaos, and more. “I think when you reflect back on God’s nature, Hebrews 13 says, ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore,’” he said. “I think that’s true.” Rather than allowing Tennessee to be further denigrated, he hopes to inspire revival in the hearts and minds of residents, reminding them to turn back to the Lord. Already, he’s seeing transformed lives. “We’ve had 60 gatherings so far, and we’ve seen God’s people on their hands and knees crying out on the steps of their courthouses for God to forgive the sins of our land and individual sins,” Fritts said. “We’ve seen politicians, county executives, other state reps, including myself, confess before the people.” From structured events to more impromptu gatherings, Fritts said a variety of services and events have taken place. The resolution is read during these events, prayer unfolds, and people turn to the Lord.

“It’s been such a beautiful thing,” Fritts said. “I am certain the Holy Spirit is moving across the state of Tennessee.” The unity he’s seeing between Christian denominations has left him awestruck. Plus, he’s heard from people all over the world who are so inspired by the prayer and fasting effort that they’re offering prayers for Tennessee and thanking him for his efforts. “We had a lady in Australia write in and say these words — she said, ‘If the barely flickering flame goes out in America, the whole world will be in darkness,’” Fritts recalled. “She said, ‘I’m praying with you for me and my family’s survival.” He continued, “I think that perspective, that international perspective we’ve gained through this website has helped me realize the urgency of the moment.”

Source: CBNNews

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