Love France Begins as Olympic Games Commence

As France fires the starting gun for the greatest show in 100 years, in Paris, the global Church is invited to stand with France by joining in with an overwhelming wave of prayer. France 1 Million vision is to gift a million prayers from the worldwide Church, for France in this significant year. A million prayers were mobilised for the Tokyo Games back in 2021 and the impact of this legacy continues across Japan.  We are inviting you now to join us as we pray for France; the safety and success of the Games, for the Church and for the many outreaches taking place through the Northern Summer. It takes just 1 Prayer and 1 Click to be part of this incredible gift! Sign Up at 

Love France is an international landing page for the worldwide Church.  It aims to be a shopwindow for all that is happening across the Church in France this Summer and to signpost people to ways that they can get involved, support and pray. Love France was created by International Prayer Connect (IPC) in partnership with Ensemble 2024. Ensemble 2024 is an initiative born from the collaboration of associations, churches, clubs and individuals across France. Its aim is to unite those who see the 2024 Games as a unique opportunity to significantly impact French society, tourists, and fans. Its goal is to bring the Good News to everyone and to leave a lasting legacy for the French Church and community. There are over 500 different events planned across the period of the Games and Para-Games. That involve thousands of organisers reaching out to and involving millions of participants.

International Prayer Connect (IPC) is a network of 5,000 prayer networks and many thousands of global intercessors. International Prayer Connect and Impact France have created the ‘Love France / F1M prayer guide’.   The guide provides daily themes focused on France and the Games with links to further resources and info. It runs for the duration of the main Games and Paralympic Games. It is available online in 33 languages, with several translations downloadable as pdfs. And to help everyone keep praying, there will be online posts, videos and other resources at including a lively blog. Teams have formed to work together in at least seven cities across France to use the opportunity the Olympics provides. In Grenoble in southeast France, at the foot of the French Alps, the churches have a long history of collaboration.

For the last 10 years, pastors have met to pray and support each other every two weeks. They have a strong desire to work towards a common goal. In the lead up to the Olympics, the Grenoble churches came together to use a variety of sporting outreach events to reach the community. It culminated on Saturday July 20, with a Community Festival reaching out to over 300 people, many of whom are from marginalised families. This is one of many community Festivals which have taken place right across France in the lead up to the Games. The day gave local Christians an opportunity to share God’s love in a practical way and to open the door to continuing those connections. Grenoble is demonstrating an amazing template of what can happen as churches work together in unity!

The Paris Praise Festival is a week of musical, artistic and evangelistic events to share the Good News and praise the Lord during the 2024 Olympic Games! From July 28 to August 4, Christian artists and volunteers from France, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the United States will gather to inspire people in several churches and public squares in Paris and its surrounding areas. During the day there are activities – an art and calligraphy exhibition and a dance workshop with the youth ministry team from South Korea.  Many artists will be busking and inviting people on the streets to the evening Praise Concerts. A South Korean Olympic table tennis champion will be part of the team. Here is the link to the website to find out more

Source: International Prayer Connect

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