National 24-Hour Prayer Watch 29/24 25th July 2024

This is an abridged Prayer Watch bulletin as a result of us giving our contributing Intercessors a mid-year break from their workload. The full bulletin will resume on 1st August.

This week please pray for the following.

*   The worldwide internet meltdown which occurred last week has caused authorities to warn of a significant increase in probable scams from criminals seeking to task advantage of the confusion in the minds of unsuspecting internet users in order to defraud them.  As these scams usually catch the elderly and the vulnerable let us pray that the Holy Spirit will alert those who are vulnerable when warning signs present so that those caught in scams will be minimised and losses avoided.

*    Statistics reveal that some 83% of those convicted of youth crimes in Queensland are addicted to the drug ice. Let us pray for authorities to find ways of reducing the supply of this and other hard drugs on our streets and for those addicted to find assistance in breaking their dependency on illicit drugs.

*    Labor must strike a deal with the Coalition to reform aged care funding by next month or risk more nursing homes going to the wall and leaving vulnerable older Australians in care limbo, members of the Albanese Government’s own taskforce warn. Sector voices, both providers and consumers, are increasingly fearful that aged-care reform has descended into a political battle for advantage at the expense of sound policy. Please pray that politics would be put aside by both major political parties in favour of arriving at the best policies for the care of older Australians.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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