National 24-Hour Prayer Watch 28/24 18th July 2024

This is an abridged Prayer Watch bulletin as a result of us giving our contributing Intercessors a mid-year break from their workload. The full bulletin will resume on 1st August.

This week please pray for the following.

*  Following media revelation of alleged entrenched corruption and infiltration of the CFMEU by bikies and underworld figures, the subsequent resignation of Union Boss John Setka, and the placing of the Victorian branch of the Union into voluntary administration, calls are being made for a Royal Commission into union corruption to be established. Let us pray that the exposure of alleged corruption the CFMEU will start a process that will bring any and all illegal practices into the open so that they can be dealt with, and the construction industry freed from the inherent graft and violence for which it has become known over many years. Pray that any involved in such practice will be forced to face the full impact of the law.

*  The unsuccessful assassination attempt on the life of Donald Trump reminds us of the necessity to pray God’s protection over our own Parliamentarians here in Australia. Whilst thanking God that the attempt on Donald Trump’s life was unsuccessful let us pray His protection upon all who undertake public service in Australia. Pray for our Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition and all our State Parliamentary leaders that they will be able to lead without fear, knowing they are constantly under the watchful eye of God Himself. Pray for our police force, ASIO and all tasked with the protection of public figures that they be given wisdom and courage to carry out their duties in a conscientious and successful manner.

*  The fledgling Muslim vote campaign risks “imploding” with divisions widening within the group and among the community amid delays in locking in candidates and claims of infiltration by ALP operatives. Please pray that God would protect our nation from the rise of voices that seek to oppose Australian values and involve our nation in the internal affairs of other nations. Pray too that our parliamentary system of government will be strengthened to ensure the rights of minorities are protected whilst at the same time ensuring that special interest groups are not able to manipulate the voting system (particularly in the Senate) so that no individuals nor parties can be elected on only a handful of unrepresentative votes.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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