The International Prayer Network (IPC) in conjunction with many of its worldwide partner networks has launched a “Love France” initiative to support, encourage and pray for the French Church and nation in this significant year. The eyes of the world are very much on Paris this summer as they host the 2024 Olympic games. As the nation prepares to welcome thousands of athletes and millions of spectators from all around the world, it presents the French Church with an unprecedented opportunity … to share the Gospel message! The Church across France has risen to the challenge with incredible passion, determination and resolve… and the result is truly awe-inspiring! There are more than 400 events and initiatives taking place across the duration of the games involving 100+ different churches, ministries and organizations. They span several categories including evangelism, prayer and worship, social events, sports and play, city teams, creative arts and music.
Matthew Glock, Coordinator of Ensemble 2024 – the platform that serves and supports the many events said, ‘We have been bowled over by the energy, imagination and commitment that has been invested in so many projects. The Church in France is very much alive! – but we would welcome your prayers in this season.’ ‘Please pray for the security and success of the games and all of the projects. Pray for the fruitful sharing of the Gospel. Pray for an impactful legacy both for France and the nations who take part!’, said Matthew. International Prayer Connect is partnering with Ensemble 2024 and David Broussard’s Impact France / Pray for France teams in producing daily prayer pointers and media updates through the games season. The resources will cover various aspects of France and French culture plus the sports and the games. The Prayer Guide will be available in 33 languages. Access will be available online from 22nd July at
It was 100 years ago this weekend, in Paris! – when Eric Liddell put his faith before his passion for athletics by going to church and missing the 100 metres qualifier. His inspirational story was retold in the movie ‘Chariots of Fire’. Eric’s reward came days later when he won the gold medal in the 400 metres. We invite you to use this powerful story as an outreach opportunity within your church and community as part of a worldwide centenary celebration of Eric’s life and testimony. “I believe God made me for a purpose, but He also made me fast,” said Eric Liddell. Churches are organizing a plethora of different ‘Eric Liddell 100’ events including fun runs, film nights, sports days, presentation dinners and testimony evenings. We’ve collated resources, activity suggestions and sermon guides with the help of the Eric Liddell foundation. Thank you for partnering with the IPC’s vision: ‘Exalting Jesus, Catalysing united prayer across nations, denominations, movements, and generations for the fulfilment of the Great Commission!’
Source: International Prayer Council

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