National 24-Hour Prayer Watch 19/24 16th May 2024

What is Taught to Children is Critical

What is taught at home, in schools, or by using Facebook is critical. When Anzac Day was celebrated in style this year the Federal Education Minister Jason Clare said Anzac Day was “a day to come together, not to divide’’. “It’s not about celebrating war”. But a pro-Palestinian teachers’ group tried to attack our Anzac legacy on the eve of Anzac Day by distributing a 40-page “teaching resource’’ for classrooms, on its Facebook page. They took on a deeply disrespectful and appalling action of demanding that the Anzac legend “be dismantled” because of the killing of some Palestinian villagers by a few troops in World War I and then linked this to the current Israeli-Gaza war. Some educators do try to push their own political agendas or promote divisive ideologies in schools. But our classrooms need to be places of objective learning, not indoctrination. What is taught to children is critical.

So, it is great to read that in USA CBN Animation’s Superbook has led the way for millions of children to accept Christ, and Superbook is growing with a popular kid’s Bible app and website as well as work in new languages. Children’s ministry leaders say ages four to fourteen, often known as the “4-14 window” is the age when people are most likely to accept Christ as their Saviour. Superbook reaches children at those key ages. “It targets kids at a time in their lives where it’s so important to reach them with the Gospel,” It’s a critical time for them to understand there’s a God who loves them, there’s a God that wants to have a relationship with them and there’s a God that died for them. So, it’s an incredible critical time to minister into kids’ lives. Just before Moses died, he told the Israelites “ Only be careful and watch yourselves closely so you do not forget the things your eyes have seen nor let them slip from you heart as long as you live. Teach them to our children and to their children after them.” (Deut 4: 9) Unfortunately this did not happen after they entered the Promised land.

Let’s pray that at this critical time:

* Children come to know there’s a God who loves them, there’s a God that wants to have a relationship with them and there’s a God that died for them using a language they can understand.

* Children will see themselves inside the Biblical stories, relate to the characters and suddenly believe with their hearts and gain wisdom and understanding.

*Parents and teachers are given the wisdom, confidence, and love to teach their children how to know they have the Lord our God near them especially when they pray to Him.


Protecting our Nation from Cyber Criminals

A Chinese state-sponsored hacking group called Volt Typhoon is targeting Australia’s critical infrastructure and may have already accessed some systems, after infiltrating essential services in the US. Confirmation that the group is active in Australia has triggered fresh calls from cyber security experts for the Albanese government to be transparent about the risks to business and the community, while critical infrastructure entities have been told to “harden their systems”. Australian Security Intelligence Organisation director-general Mike Burgess referenced the attacks in his latest threat assessment, saying one nation state was conducting “multiple attempts to scan critical infrastructure”.

Please pray:

*   giving thanks that our Security Intelligence Organisation has picked up the work of this hacking group before, hopefully, too much damage has been done in Australia.

*   that ASIO will be successful in terminating the influence that Volt Typhoon is trying to have upon the vital infrastructure of our nation.

*   that our Governments will do all they can to assist business, the community, and critical infrastructure entities, to increase their understanding of the threat to our national and personal security and to deal with such threats in an appropriate manner at every level of society.


 Pro-Palestinian Teachers ‘Deeply Disrespectful to all who Served’

The federal government and opposition have united in condemnation of a pro-Palestinian teachers’ group for “attacking our Anzac legacy”. The Teachers and School Staff for Palestine group has demanded that the Anzac legend “be dismantled” and has linked killings by Anzac troops in World War I to the current a Israeli-Gaza war.  It has a distributed a 40-page “teaching resource” for classrooms on its Facebook page which collates” resources for challenging Anzac Day”.

Opposition veterans’ affairs spokesman Barnaby Joyce blamed the Albanese government for the “rise of anti-Anzac sentiment”.  “They are watering down the seminal day of the soul of our nation, which is Anzac Day,” he said. Mr Joyce said Labor had made the Anzac Day public holiday optional for the nation’s 350,000 commonwealth public servants.  “In this environment, it is little wonder radical teacher goops feel they have the green light to dilute the importance of Anzac Day in our classrooms,” he said. Education Minister Jason Clare said Anzac Day was “a day to come together, not to divide”.  “it’s not about celebrating war. It’s about remembering the sacrifices so many Australians made for us.”

Please pray:

“This is how we’ve come to understand and experience love: Christ sacrificed his life for us.  This is why we ought to live sacrificially for our fellow believers and not just be out for ourselves”. I John 3:16 MSG

*   Pray that the Teachers and School Staff for Palestine group fails to have influence in our schools.

*   Pray that the spirit of gratitude for sacrifices made for Australia by so many men and women grows stronger in future years.

*   Let’s all examine our lives and ask the Lord to show us how we can live our lives sacrificially for others.


Praying for Issues in the News

*     In a positive sign that University leadership are finally getting the message, the Australian National University {ANU) has directed protesters to vacate their pro-Palestinian protests on University encampments, becoming the second university (Deakin was the first), to order its students to dismantle their camps. There are concerns however students will not follow instructions. Please pray for a peaceful resolution to the impasse, a return to “normality”, on all University campuses, and a cessation of antisemitic protests across the nation.

*    The refusal of the nation’s military leaders to accept responsibility for war crimes in Afghanistan has generated “anger and bitter resentment” among serving personnel and veterans that will take years to overcome, an independent report has warned. Please pray for a resolution of this long festering issue that will result in justice and fairness for all involved. Pray that no innocent parties will ever be punished and that guilty parties will receive due justice according to their personal culpability in the difficult circumstances of war.

Praying for our Nation

This week let us pray for a greater understanding in the Church of how sin leads to the establishment of Altars of offence which continue to attract sin and have revelation understanding of how to break that cycle.  Deuteronomy 18:9-13, Ezekiel 16: 44-48, Jeremiah 17:1-3.

Source:  Australian Prayer Network

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