More than 20% of Generation Z now identify as LGBT, with close to 30% of generational women falling into that category, according to new data released by Gallup. Roughly 22% of young adults ages 18 to 26 self-identified as LGBT, more than the nearly 10% of Millennials, ages 27 to 42 years old, who identified as such, and even greater than the 5% of Generation X, 2% of Baby Boomers, and 1% of the Silent Generation who claimed such identities. As a whole, 7.6% of adults in the general population identified as part of the LGBT community. Slightly more than 85% of those polled identified as heterosexual. Jeffrey Jones, a senior editor for Gallup, said the uptick is largely driven by Gen Z women. “A lot of the growth seems to be happening there,” he said. The explosion of LGBT-identified youth comes as many on the left and even in federal government agencies, like the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), have pushed for LGBT ideologies to be hoisted upon children and teenagers. As CBN News reported in early 2023, the CDC released materials at the time urging public school educators and administrators to embrace LGBT causes, all in the name of inclusivity.
The agency provided a “self-assessment tool” to help school officials determine just how supportive they are of sexual minorities. The self-assessment document, which the CDC says is voluntary, is posted on the agency’s website. It encourages educators to display rainbow flags in classrooms and unisex signs in bathrooms. It also urges teachers to incorporate LGBTQ content in their lessons, use student-preferred pronouns, and attend LGBTQ training. These ideas, while, on the surface, seemingly abstract, are taking real-life tolls on families. For example, in mid-February, two parents in Indiana petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to hold the State responsible for removing their gender-confused child from their home due to their Bible-based beliefs about sexuality and gender identity. According to CBN News, Mary and Jeremy Cox filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari last month, asking the court to review the legality of Indiana’s decision to strip them of their parental rights and pull their son, who identifies as a transgender girl, from their household over their refusal to use female names and pronouns when addressing or referring to their child.
The removal came after the Indiana Department of Child Services launched an investigation in June 2021 into the Christian parents. At the time, the state agency argued, referring to the Cox’s son, “We just feel that at this point in time, this child needs to be in a home that’s not going to teach her that trans, like everything about transgender… tell her how she should think and how she should feel. However, she should be in a home where she is accepted for who she is.” “If this can happen in Indiana, it can happen anywhere,” said Lori Windham of Becket Law, the firm representing the couple. “Tearing a child away from loving parents because of their religious beliefs, which are shared by millions of Americans, is an outrage to the law, parental rights, and basic human decency.”
Source: Faithwire

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