National 24-Hour Prayer Watch 3/24

This is an abridged holiday edition of the National 24-Hour Prayer Watch. During the Christmas/New Year season we encourage our members to pray into issues as given to them by the Lord and as covered by our national media. We offer these bullet points from our knowledge as some areas that need prayer as the Lord leads you.

*   Australia Day continues to be embroiled in controversy. It is important that we celebrate our national day, as not to do so gives the impression to our younger generations that being thankful to God for the nation He is making us into is not important. Pray that this Australia Day will be widely celebrated, that political differences will be put aside and not dominate the day, and that out of it will come a better appreciation of the wide range of people who today contribute to the make-up of modern Australia.

*   At time of writing a new cyclone is forming off the east coast of Queensland with suggestions it will cross the coast around the Townsville region as a Category 2 storm. Please pray that God would divert the cyclone into non populated areas where minimal damage will be done to property and where no lives will be lost.

*    Islamic clerics are lobbying the federal government to axe the “sinful’’ indexation of university loans for Muslim students, forbidden under Sharia law. The Australian National Imams Council has told the government’s Universities Accord review that HELP (Higher Education Loan Program) and HECS (Higher Education Contribution Scheme) debts are discouraging Muslims from studying at ­university. The imams are pushing for a “culturally and religiously compatible” new funding model for Islamic students. Whilst this may sound a reasonable request it represents another attempt to introduce Sharia Law by stealth into the laws of our nation. Pray that the Government will reject the requested change and that the scheme will remain compatible with Australian Law and not introduce a dual law system that could be used as a precursor to further law changes in other areas that would further cement Sharia Law as an acceptable part of our legal system.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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