National 24-Hour-Prayer Watch 2/24

This is an abridged holiday edition of the National 24-Hour Prayer Watch. During the Christmas/New Year season we encourage our members to pray into issues as given to them by the Lord and as covered by our national media. We offer these bullet points from our knowledge as some areas that need prayer as the Lord leads you.

*   Australia Day is coming under further attack with Woolworths refusing to stock Australia Day products. Whilst this may not affect many people it is a further nail in the coffin which suggests to people we should not celebrate our national day, which will have both intended and unintended consequences for our future as a nation, not the least in giving our young people the idea that our nation is not worth celebrating or defending. Pray that these snide attacks by woke companies and city councils, who have abandoned Australia Day Citizenship Ceremonies, will cease and that Australians will vote with their feet by attending Australia Day celebrations in greater numbers than ever before.

*   At time of writing a new cyclone is forming above the Northern Territory with suggestions it could wreak havoc as far east as Far North Queensland. Please pray that God would divert the cyclone into non populated areas where minimal damage will be done to property and where no lives will be lost.

*    The fall in the national inflation rate is a welcome development for all Australians being impacted by the rising cost of living. Give thanks to God for His mercy and pray for the continuation of policies that will see inflation continue to fall to long term sustainable levels.

The National 24-Hour Prayer Watch will not be produced next week due to editorial staff taking a week off. It will resume on Thursday 25th January.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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