Federal Government Changes Family Law for the Worse

The Labor government has announced draft legislation that will take Australia back to the dark ages as far as protecting the best interests of children. The following will no longer be deemed important in making decisions about children’s care:

  • Ensuring children benefit from meaningful involvement with both parents.
  • Children’s right to know and be cared for by both parents.
  • Children’s right to spend regular time with both parents and other significant people like grandparents.
  • Parents jointly sharing duties and responsibilities for the kids’ care and development.
  • Parents agreeing about future parenting of children.

Media writer Angela Shanahan said: The Australian Institute of Family Studies showed, contrary to the ultra-feminists who never wanted shared parenting, the 2006 act was working and popular. It was passed with the support of both sides after one of the longest inquiries in Australian history. The 2006 family law reforms did not mean only one party could or should have pre-eminence in decision-making about children. But by eliminating the overarching presumption of shared care and responsibility in the law, that is what the outcome will be. The situation in most contested separations will revert to the old bad system of mothers having full parental rights and fathers once again left out in the cold. Please pray Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Attorney General Mark Dreyfus will put a stop to this terrible change.

Source: FamilyVoice Australia

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