National 24-Hour Prayer Watch 1/24

This is an abridged holiday edition of the National 24-Hour Prayer Watch. During the Christmas/New Year season we encourage our members to pray into issues as given to them by the Lord and as covered by our national media. We offer these bullet points from our knowledge as some areas that need prayer as the Lord leads you.

*   Give thanks to God for the amazing survival of passengers and crew (including 12 Australians) in the accident at Haneda Airport in Japan in recent days. Thank God for the skill and dedication of pilots and crew members in getting all passengers out of the plane before it exploded into flame. Ask God to comfort the families of those who died in the second aircraft involved in the collision.

*    Gang warfare continue to rage in Sydney with many lives lost but with Police doing an excellent job in rounding up those suspected of committing various murders and other crimes. Pray for the police involved in addressing this crisis praying for their protection and success in their endeavours.

*     The Federal Government has promised to make the alleviation of cost-of-living pressures the major focus for the coming year. Give them wisdom to develop strategies that will work and not add to the problem by increasing inflationary pressures. Pray for those suffering financially at this time that they too will be given strategies to improve their personal financial situation.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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