God moved on college campuses, in churches, and through entire cities in the U.S. this year bringing hope, healing, and redemption. And it did not stop at America’s borders. Entire countries, people groups, and nations were evangelized for Jesus, making it evident that God is writing a story that includes Muslims meeting Jesus in dreams, entire nations falling on their knees in prayer, and whole villages sharing the Gospel with their unbelieving neighbours. Two mission organizations led an effort to introduce thousands of people to Jesus in Nicaragua. Missionary Britt Hancock of the organization “Mountain Gateway” followed God’s call to help lead massive evangelism campaigns this year, along with Evangelist Nathan Morris and Shake the Nations Ministries. Britt told CBN News close to a million people have attended the outreaches this year, tens of thousands have accepted Jesus Christ, and thousands have been healed. He also says the government indicated the most recent events brought in the largest gatherings of people in the country’s history. And more than a dozen are planned for next year.
“In Jesus’ Name by the end of next year, we will have evangelized an entire country,” Britt said. “The country’s got six million people in it; it’s about the size of the state of Alabama in geographic size.” “We’re just so grateful to Jesus and what He’s doing, and that He’s allowing us to have a part,” he continued. In what has been called the largest Christian event in Egypt’s history, more than 17,000 souls attended a Gospel outreach and more than 7,800 people decided to put their faith in Jesus Christ. Dr. Michael Youssef’s Leading the Way ministry held the evangelistic event in Cairo in November and said he is praising God for the thousands who came forward seeking hope, healing, and change. “It was an amazing experience,” he recalled. “Past midnight, people did not want to leave and said, ‘We just feel the Holy Spirit here’ and it was a foretaste of Heaven. Just praising God.” Youssef said many Christians in the nation need hope. “I think there are many things that are going on right now. The war on the northern border with Hamas, inflation is 40% in Egypt. People are really suffering, and some are losing hope, and they want something to hang their hope onto.”
Youssef went on “They want to have peace, and this is exactly the message I brought them. You can have peace in Christ, regardless of the circumstances and regardless of the surroundings, and it just resonated with them, and I praise God for that because it was a simple message of the Gospel and the hunger was there,” he said. Youssef believes that he will see the Middle East embrace Jesus Christ. “Please pray that God will keep that movement that was ignited to keep going for many years to come.” God has no limitations on how He can reach people and two Assembly of God missionaries shared multiple firsthand testimonies this year of Muslims coming to the Christian faith after encountering Jesus Christ in their dreams. James Bradford, the lead pastor at Central Assembly in Springfield, Missouri, and missionary Dick Brogden told Assemblies of God News that Muslims are meeting Jesus in their dreams and converting to Christianity at a stunning rate. “I would even say it’s the normal experience,” Brogden said. “It would be accurate to say that Muslims are responding to Jesus in levels we have never seen, not in 1,400 years!”
“Dreams are contributing to revelation, the process of evangelism, and conversion,” he said. “So many Muslims reject Islam but know that to follow Jesus will cost them everything. Dreams of Jesus encourage them along the way and give them the comfort that Jesus will be with them, though it cost them everything to follow Him.” Bradford shared that he was in a Muslim country meeting with church leaders from several Muslim nations. One of the leaders shared a testimony of a woman who had a dream where she saw Jesus. “A woman had left the Muslim faith, but she was full of hatred and suspicion of Christians. She didn’t know what to do — she asked God for help,” he explained. “One night she had a dream where she saw a shepherd, walking about an empty tomb with a staff. The shepherd walked around it a few times, and then He headed directly toward the woman. He had a loaf of bread in His hands, which He broke and offered to her and as He did, He said, ‘Take, eat, this is my body.'”
He went on to share that the woman, who knew nothing about the Bible, woke up and contacted a person who she knew was a Christian. “He showed her in the Bible where Jesus had said those very words. The woman accepted Jesus as her Savior — and continues to serve him to this day,” Bradford said. Brogden and Bradford recounted stories that illustrated the lengths to which God will go to show His love to people. And they are encouraging believers to continue praying because many Muslims still need to encounter Christ. “There are more unreached people now than in the history of the world,” Brogden said. “In 1982, there were 2.5 billion people in the world classified as ‘lost’ with 1.5 billion being classified as unreached. In 2022, the global population reached 8 billion, with 6 billion classified as ‘lost’ and 3.15 billion being classified as unreached.” A move of the Holy Spirit came to the northwestern African country of Guinea Bissau in 2023, where there were more than 18,477 documented decisions for Christ during several open-air crusades. World Harvest, a ministry led by Evangelist Jacob Ebersole, held several outreaches throughout the country which is 70% Muslim.
Ebersole said God did some unprecedented things during the crusade including having the president of the country intervene to help get the crusade stage across the border and into the country. The president of Guinea Bissau is a Muslim, but he was instrumental in contributing to the crusade meetings coming together and even attended the first night of the crusade. “Thousands came far and wide to hear the gospel. Some even travelled in canoes and boats on rough waters from islands off the coast to be a part of this. I’ve never seen anything like it before. We’ve had the privilege of being on the front row witnessing a move of God that seemed impossible at every turn. I’m literally still in awe of this entire thing happening. God is writing a story and it’s not stopping. One of the greatest testimonies we heard was that this crusade has stiffened the spines and strengthened the hearts of other believers in the city. One lady said…’something is going on, people are saying the name of the Lord all over the city now whereas before this wasn’t happening,'” Ebersole recounted.
After the crusades in Guinea Bissau, World Harvest continued its Gospel campaign to Zambia, a central African Country. Over 200,000 people attended the crusade in Lusaka, Zambia, CBN News reported. After a stirring message of repentance, people of every age flooded the altar to lay down idols, bottles of hard alcohol, drugs, witchcraft items, and many other things. Those items were later taken to bins that were going to be burned. There were also more than 45,000 documented salvations. “We believe and we’re praying this is going to put a dent in West/North Africa where the gospel needs to be preached the most,” Ebersole said. Thousands of teenagers in Latin America are committing to Christianity, becoming engaged with the Bible, and learning more about Jesus, according to a new poll. Recent research by the Barna Group reveals that Latin America is home to a “connected, digitally enabled generation” that is actively engaged with church and learning more about Jesus Christ. Last year, Barna surveyed more than 24,000 teens in 26 countries and compiled that data into its “The Open Generation Survey.” The goal of the international study is to help church leaders understand how to reach teens.
According to Barna, the “open generation” admires Jesus for his compassion, forgiveness, and care of others. They also care about justice and are engaged in reading scripture. Young people in Brazil, Honduras, Mexico, and Colombia showed a heightened awareness of Christ and the Bible. About 74% of Christian Brazilian teenagers said they believe Jesus offers people hope. Meanwhile, 60% said He makes a real difference in today’s world, and 70 percent believe Jesus will come back one day. And just over half (55%) of Brazilian teenagers believe that Jesus was God in human form. Earlier this year, Evangelist Will Graham presented the Gospel to a group of 17,600 people in Brazil. During the one-night Esperança Curitiba evangelistic outreach at the Rodeo Arena in Campina Grande do Sul, Graham shared about the power of the cross. “God took the sin of the world and placed it on the shoulders of Jesus. God was willing to send His Son to die on the cross, so sinners like you and me could live,” said Graham. “The cross was the most important moment in the history of the world. It’s impossible to measure God’s love on the cross. It doesn’t matter how deep you are in sin. God’s love on the cross covers you as well.”
Source: Faithwire

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