Palestinian Authority Issues Call to ‘Murder Jews’, Tells Islamic Leaders to Incite Violence

An official document of the Palestinian Authority (PA) is calling for the murder of Jews. The Palestinians are calling Islamic leaders to incite violence and murder, citing the Islamic verse: “O Abd Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.” That verse about killing Jews comes straight from the Hadith, a collection of sayings by Islam’s founder Muhammad. The one-page document published by the Palestinian Ministry of Endowments was revealed by the research departments of the Jewish Voice and the Regavim movement. It details a series of instructions and messages intended for Friday sermons. CBN News has reviewed the document written in Arabic and the translation is accurate. The document contains strongly worded messages to incite Muslim followers. “We call upon our Palestinian people as a religious and moral national duty, despite the pain and tragedies, to not raise a white flag until the occupation is removed, and the independent Palestinian state is established with Jerusalem as its capital,” the document reads.

There is also a reference from the Sharia (a body of Islamic law that forms a part of the Islamic tradition) that’s included in the document – the antisemitic hadith – inciting the murder of Jews, according to the Jewish Voice and Regavim. “The hour will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill them, until the Jew hides behind the stones and the trees and the stones or the trees say, ‘O Muslim, O servant of Allah, this is a Jew behind me, Come and kill him,'” the document said. Israel said it does not plan to take long-term control over the Gaza Strip after an expected ground offensive to root out Hamas terrorists that rule the territory. “This document is blatant and further proof that there is no fundamental difference between the goals of Hamas and the goals of the Palestinian Authority… It is also about one thing – the murder of Jews wherever they are and the elimination of Jews from all over the country,” Regavim said in a statement. “It is the duty of the State of Israel to prevent incitement sermons in mosques. The document is a declaration of war for all intents and purposes. We must not fall under the illusion that the Palestinian Authority is different from Hamas, and the thought of giving them control over Gaza is dangerous and irresponsible,” the statement continued.

“The explicit call for incitement joins the line of statements of support for the murderous attack on Simchat Torah, for salary payments to the killers and their families, including the baby killers and the communities in the Gaza Strip and in the south. These messages will lead directly to attacks and murder, it is forbidden and dangerous to allow them to exist,” the statement concluded.  Meanwhile, antisemitism has been on the rise against Jews all over the world. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz strongly condemned a firebomb assault on a synagogue in Berlin, saying, “We will never accept when attacks are carried out against Jewish institutions.” “It outrages me personally what some of them are shouting and doing, and I am convinced that Germany’s citizens are of the same opinion as me,” Scholz said. “We stand united for the protection of Jews” in Germany, the chancellor added. Police said two suspects threw two Molotov cocktails at the synagogue in the centre of the German capital. Incidents in the European country against Jews have been rising since violence began escalating in the Middle East.

“Unknown persons threw two Molotov cocktails from the street,” the Kahal Adass Jisroel community wrote on X, formerly Twitter. The building complex of the Jewish community located in the centre of Berlin houses a synagogue, a kindergarten, a yeshiva school and a community centre. Police said they were investigating “an attempted serious arson” in which two people approached the synagogue on foot at 3:45 a.m. and threw the firebombs, which burst on the sidewalk next to the building. The pair had their faces covered and ran away after throwing the incendiaries. As police officers were investigating the scene, a 30-year-old man approached the synagogue on a scooter, which he threw aside, and began running toward the building. When police officers arrested him, he resisted and shouted anti-Israeli slogans. Journalist David Atherton in a post on X wrote about the attempted firebombing of the synagogue. “In Berlin petrol bombs were thrown at a Synagogue in an attempted arson. In other incidents Muslims attacked emergency services with bottles, stones & fireworks. According to Anna Segal Dir, Kahal Adass Jisroel said, ‘the community had felt very threatened in recent days.’

“We are all shocked by this terrorist attack,” Germany’s leading Jewish group, the Central Council of Jews, said in a statement. “Above all, the families from the neighbourhood around the synagogue are shocked and unsettled. Words become deeds. Hamas’ ideology of extermination against everything Jewish is also having an effect in Germany.” “The situation has been escalating all of the past week since the war broke out in Israel,” Anna Segal, the director of Kahal Adass Jisroel told the BBC. “The tensions, we could feel them in the city more and more.” Germans are particularly sensitive regarding attacks on Jews or Jewish houses of worship because of the country’s Holocaust history. Following Hamas’ brutal attack on Israel on October 7 and the subsequent war in Gaza, police have increased security for Jewish institutions in Berlin and all over Germany. Still, Israeli flags that were flown as a sign of solidarity in front of city halls all over the country have been torn down and burnt. Several buildings in Berlin where Jews live had the star of David painted on doors and walls.

Source: CBN NEWS

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