Around the Parliaments

Ex-Investigative Journalist Calls for Inquiry into Gender Dysphoria Care

The Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) is endorsing an inquiry called for by South Australian MLC Frank Pangallo into the care and treatment of gender-confused children.  As a former investigative reporter, Pangallo brings a much-needed critical lens and deep research to the examination of the impact of current practices. His request for the formation of an investigative committee is the culmination of many months excavating the troubling depths of heartbreaking cases and disturbing data, analysing arguments from all sides. ACL echos Mr. Pangallo’s recent parliamentary address, in which he called for the putting aside of “vexed politics and inflammatory language in the interest of establishing facts and exploring concerns raised by world-leading health organisations and distressed families caught in the crossfire.” Citing examples of professionals facing backlash for expressing concerns, Pangallo emphasised the need for open dialogue, saying, “People should never be intimidated or afraid to speak up for their beliefs or silenced by the dictatorship of minorities.” In his closing remarks, he stated, “We must avoid this becoming one of the biggest medical scandals of our time.” The motion awaits debate, sparking a crucial conversation on the future of gender dysphoria care in South Australia.


Misinformation Law Delayed as Revisions made to Protect Religious Freedoms

In their ongoing efforts to safeguard freedom of speech, the ACL has continued to engage the government on the proposed Misinformation and Disinformation Bill, a looming threat to our country’s foundational liberties. This week, Communication Minister Michelle Rowland called ACL CEO Michelle Pearse, acknowledging the concerns of ACL and others, and announced the Government’s intentions to revise the Bill to build in better protections for religious freedom. This decision, coupled with a delay in the Bill’s introduction until next year, indicates a recognition that better consideration be given prior to any implementation. While we appreciate Minister Rowland’s openness to dialogue and the proposed amendments, ACL remains firm that they would prefer the complete rejection of the Bill. The very need to modify it to avoid encroaching on freedom of religious expression signals its gross overreach in the first place. ACL remains committed to advocating for laws that respect our right to express faith without fear of suppression or communist-style censorship.


Urgent Call to Pray for South Australia

In an Australian first, the Hon. Nicola Centofanti has introduced an Equality Model prostitution law into the South Australian Upper House. This Bill does three key things:

  1. criminalises the buyers of sex, (usually men) brothel owners and pimps
  2. decriminalises the sellers (women and vulnerable people) who are not in prostitution by choice
  3. provides exit strategies and comprehensive support for those who want to leave the trade

Please pray earnestly for this important change in SA law, which will protect vulnerable women, restrain men from thinking women are to be bought for their pleasure, hold profiteers and pimps accountable to the law and provide proper exit strategies for seeking a life outside of prostitution. It is crucial that this Bill passes the Upper House, and we ask you to pray for this outcome. For this to happen, we need a few more MPs to vote for the Bill and at this stage that is not a guarantee. Please pray fervently, daily, and often, that hearts may be changed.  “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” – Mark 11:24 ESV


Medical Professionals Pen Serious Concerns about Gender Affirming Therapy

Thirty-six psychiatrists, psychologists, and doctors have signed an open letter to NSW MPs questioning the validity and reliability of evidence given to support the NSW government’s framework for gender-diverse health services. The letter addressed “serious professional concerns” with the framework, outlining their professional opinion that the affirmative model of care could cause “unnecessary irreversible harm” to those it seeks to protect. ACL’s NSW State Director, Joshua Rowe, said “The combined voices of the thirty-six medical professionals pointedly critiques the weak evidence base for the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones on children”. He went on to say these NSW-centric concerns reflect “…a more systemic issue developing in Western healthcare. The therapeutic discipline has been apprehended by an individualism and consumerism highly shaped by sexual identity and expression.

“Gender affirmation is a therapeutic intervention not based on credible evidence about the tangible biological body. Instead, it is a tool, and a dangerous one, for the consumer to use in satisfying, albeit in vain, their psychological perception of their sexual self no matter how incongruent.” Mr Rowe concluded, “In this light, we are presently placing a scalpel in a confused child’s hand and saying, ‘if you’ve got a problem with your body, we’ll help you cut it up'”. The ACL has called on the NSW Government to conduct an inquiry into their framework for gender-diverse health services before more harm befalls our children.

Source: Australian Christian Lobby

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