Israel Defence Forces (IDF) in ‘Heart’ of Gaza City Uncovering Hamas’ Terror Infrastructure

Israel says it’s now fighting Hamas inside Gaza City. The IDF is uncovering the massive terror infrastructure Hamas has been building for years. The leader of Israel’s Southern Command said for the first time in decades, the IDF is fighting in the heart of Gaza City. Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant says Gaza is the biggest terrorist base ever built by man. “This entire city is one big terror base. There are kilometres of tunnels underground. They connect to hospitals, to schools. They are connected to each other. They have communication rooms, ammunition depots, places to sleep in order to serve as a base of terrorism from which the citizens of the State of Israel and IDF soldiers can be harmed,” said Gallant. IDF forces have located and destroyed several tunnels. They uncovered one tunnel next to an amusement park and another tunnel with a weapons depot near a civilian university. The IDF says it proves Hamas uses its civilian population as human shields.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is calling the military campaign so far, a “phenomenal” success with countless Hamas bases, tunnels, and command and control centres destroyed. “We will win. We will not stop until victory. I am in continuous contact with U.S. President Joe Biden,” Netanyahu said. “We very much appreciate his support, the support of the American administration, and the support of the American people.” Netanyahu also insisted there will be no ceasefire without the return of the hostages. Given the alarming rise of anti-Semitism and public support for Hamas in the past month, US Jewish groups held a massive march for Israel in Washington DC on November 14th. On Capitol Hill, the House passed a $14 billion bipartisan aid package, but the Senate has blocked the legislation. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson met with some of the 240 hostage families who defended Israel’s military actions. “This is clearly, as we’ve said so many times, good vs. evil,” said Johnson. The United States stands with the good, and we’re going to stand with Israel. That show of force is intentional and appropriate.”

Source: CBN News

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