National 24 Hour Prayer Watch 40/23


It is a real challenge to overcome evil with good. We live in a world where evil is both rampant and subtle and good is often despised or ignored. We see evil in the ongoing war in Ukraine, the massacre of over 1000 Israelis, the large-scale destruction of many people and buildings in Gaza. How can people live in harmony with others, be unwilling to not want to pay back evil for evil and chose to live at peace? It looks impossible not to want to take revenge, and to leave room for God to avenge and repay …not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (Rom 12: 19&21) How do we as individuals, religious groups or nations leave room for God’s wrath, feed our enemies who are hungry or give them something to drink? (Rom 12:20). It goes against contemporary culture to be agents of change and help preserve a troubled world from further deterioration without being seen as morally superior or weird eccentrics. It is so challenging to pray for His will to be done and His kingdom to come. Could we be the change agents that God makes use of?

But when we keep our eyes open, we see God at work. There are those in an increasing number of countries who are waking up to the horrific abuses and lies of transgender ideology.  Increasing opposition to medical and surgical gender transition treatment for minors is growing in several countries. The Tasmania’s Anglican Synod is facing up to the criticism of transgender people and passing a motion calling on its schools and institutions to uphold the primacy of biological sex as “fundamental to being human”.  Brown from Open Doors is saying “America has historically been at its best when we’ve been our most compassionate”. Religious leaders from Christian, Muslim and Jewish faiths are calling on British faith communities to unite and stand against any form of discrimination or hate. We can see how God is challenging betting in a nation which is addicted to it. Cost-of-living pressures is hurting punters. While the increasing taxes of big betting companies means they are having trouble getting people to gamble. The Senate’s Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee has become swamped with over 7,000 pieces of correspondence and 65 more detailed submissions which is challenging the hostile takeover of Calvary hospital in Canberra and causing them to establish a public hearing. “We are aware that the world is unprincipled. It’s dog-eat-dog out there! The world doesn’t fight fair. But we don’t live or fight our battles that way – never have and never will. The tools of our trade aren’t for marketing or manipulation, but they are for demolishing that entire massively corrupt culture. We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ”.  (2 Cor 10:3-5 Message)

Let’s pray that as Christians we:

*  Will not become so well-adjusted to our culture that we fit into it without thinking. But see God change us from the inside out, recognizing what He wants from us, and quickly respond to it. That we will not allow ourselves to be dragged down to the level of the culture around us, but let God bring the best out of us to develop well-formed maturity within us. (based on Rom 12:1-2 MESSAGE)

* Will chose not to be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good

* Will tear down barriers erected against the truth of God, and not boast in our wisdom, nor our might, nor riches, and that we can really understand and know God who practices steadfast love, and justice. (Jer 9:24)


Praying for Those in Authority

Each day in our Federal Parliament then following prayer is prayed. “Almighty God, we humbly beseech Thee to vouchsafe Thy blessing upon this Parliament. Direct and prosper our deliberations to the advancement of Thy glory, and the true welfare of the people of Australia. Amen.” Lord, we pray for the 151 Members of the House of Representatives and for our 76 Senators that they would be part of the answer to their own prayers as they discuss and pass laws that govern our nation.

Please pray:

*   Asking God to hear and answer the prayers of our parliamentarians, and that He would challenge them directly, and through the people, to live up to the standards that their prayers attest to.

*   That wisdom would prevail, and that government would operate according to proper limitations and not exceed its authority.

*   That government would give ear to the people who elect them to office and become more sensitive to the needs of everyday Australians rather than just the noisy few who seek to fulfil ideological positions.


ACT Government Criticised Over Legislative Tactics

Senior Canberra-Goulburn priest Father Tony Percy has criticised the ACT Government for the way it has purposefully chosen to pass legislation which decriminalises some drugs (1.5g or less of amphetamine, cocaine, methamphetamine, MDMA, magic mushrooms and 1g or less of heroin) through a private member’s bill rather than government legislation. He has raised the alarm over whether the same “lack of due process” will be applied to its looming euthanasia laws. After the ACT Government forcibly acquired the Calvary Hospital recently, demonstrating a “total lack of transparency”, Father Percy is deeply concerned about the lack of due process and governance. Father Percy said, “The other issue that is going to come up now is with voluntary assisted dying laws…and the government is now a law unto itself.”

Please pray:

“Our courts oppose the righteous and justice is nowhere to be found.  Truth stumbles in the streets and honesty has been outlawed.”  Isaiah 59:14

*   Pray for Father Tony Percy as he, and others like him, stand for truth and righteousness.

*   Pray for the ACT and its government.  Pray that all subterfuge and deception is uncovered, and the truth becomes well known.

*   Pray that voluntary assisted dying laws fail to pass unchallenged and unmodified in the ACT.


Praying for Issues in the News

*  Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will travel to China this week to meet with Chinese leaders in an attempt to rebuild relationships that have suffered as a result of Chinese belligerence in recent years. This meeting is of great significance as it will set the tone for future medium to long term relationships between the two countries. Please pray that God would hover over the deliberations guiding the discussions and decisions made as a result of the meeting. Pray that Prime Minister Albanese will remain strong in his resolve to protect Australia’s interests and that he would not fall into seeking to make peace at the expense of the nation he leads.

*   A Jewish school in Sydney is letting students travel to school without wearing their uniforms for fear of reprisals from those who hold an anti-Israel position on the Middle East crisis. With antisemitism on the rise worldwide we need to pray that our government would remain unequivocal in its support for the right of Israel to defend itself and would crackdown and control any who would seek to use what is happening in Israel and Gaza to further their political agendas in our own country. Please pray too for the many Australians still trapped in the war zone that they would be able to find their way home as quickly as possible.


Praying for Others

This week let us pray for Comoros. Christians in Comoros cannot share their faith freely in public or they risk legal consequences. Pray for safe opportunities to speak of the Good News.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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