Baby Booties Protest at Parliament Honours Lives Heartlessly Cut Short

The Australian Christian Lobby held their Baby Booties visual protest on the lawns of Parliament recently. They were heartened by the outpouring of support as they spoke out against the barbarous practice of leaving fully born babies to die without medical care. A number of MPs showed up and boldly voiced their support in recorded interviews. Many supporters and volunteers came together to make the booties that adorned the lawns of Parliament House. Together, it was a historic day, and this reverent honouring of lives brutally cut short will echo loudly in the nation’s conscience hopefully bringing a swift end to this modern-day atrocity. The Australian Christian Lobby said it intends to keep pushing on this issue. Recently in the West Australian the WA Health Minister was quoted as saying that “there’s no such thing as babies born alive after an abortion.” It’s a statement that should shock and deeply disturb all Australians who care about truth, and the just treatment of our smallest citizens.

Source: Australian Christian Lobby

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