National 24 Hour Prayer Watch 33/23


Many of us are challenged by how we should be responding to the referendum on the Voice. Some of us have found that the Referendum Booklet has not been a lot of help. We want to think and pray very carefully about how we should vote or how we would like the nation to vote. There does seem to be controversy about the possible result of the vote. Why does it need to be so contentious? Should we read or digest more about the “Voice”? If the nation votes “yes”, who will benefit and how, who will be disadvantaged and how/why? If “no”, similarly, who will benefit and how, who will be disadvantaged and how/why? The answers to these questions will reveal that there are both positive and negative consequences to either outcome. The result will need to be carefully and openly managed and treated with great sensitivity and respect. Both camps want the best national outcome for Australia. We hope that whatever happens the First Nations, newer arrivals, and, notably, any disadvantaged communities will all receive extra suitable resourcing. As we fully immerse ourselves in praying for our nation and the outcomes of the referendum, we can enjoy the way the Holy Spirit is speaking to us and experience the deep love that Almighty God has for us and our nation. He enjoys hearing us pray for our nation knowing that the Spirit helps us in our weakness  for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words.( Rom 8:26) We can pray for true reconciliation to occur between racial groups instead of any distrust, bitterness or personal abuse, that voters will not be misled or misinformed about what we are voting for and that what we are asked to approve will be truly revealed.

As we seek the Lord’s face let us pray:

* With patience and love for a great future for Australia while acknowledging that His timing and desires for how this should happen could be very different to ours.

* For a spirit of forgiveness to be shown by all who have ever suffered wrongs. That they will be healed of any pain they have experienced from any injuries or misunderstandings that have occurred in the past.

*That all communities, both First Nations and subsequent arrivals will develop a positive affection and respect for each other, acknowledging how we are all needed to help contribute to the well-being and future of our nation.

World Prayer Assembly

For the next few weeks, we are undergirding in prayer the upcoming World Prayer Assembly in Perth being held from 3rd-6th October. For further information go to

Please pray:

*   For registrations to continue to grow so that the Assembly reaches its full potential to impact our nation and the nations of the South Pacific.

*   For the organising committee as they put the final touches to the programme including session participants and other prayer initiatives to be incorporated in the Assembly.

*   For visa’s to be approved to allow those from overseas wanting to come to be allowed into Australia.

Staff Shortages Force Aged Care Shutdowns

A growing number of aged care facilities are closing due to workforce shortages. Regional providers warn they are being left in limbo as they wait for exemptions under Labor’s 24/7 nursing targets.  At least two aged care facilities have told residents they will shut down because they cannot meet the federal government’s new nursing rules introduced on July 1.  Before the last election, Anthony Albanese unveiled a policy requiring aged care facilities to have at least one nurse working at all times by July 1, a year earlier that the aged care royal commission had recommended.  But homes located in rural Australia have been unable to source required registered nurses and many find themselves in a position of having to comply with the new reforms without a clear understanding of whether an exemption has been granted.

Australian College of Nursing chief executive Kylie Ward said the government should allow providers and extra six to twelve months to meet the target. Aged care operators have also raised concern about new rules forcing facilities to report every period of 30 minutes or more when a registered nurse was not on duty, creating further regulatory burdens for staff. Aged Care Minister Anika Wells last month acknowledged the workforce was “thousands short” but stood behind targets to have the 24/7 requirement in place for all facilities. In June the Department of Health told senate estimates that it was engaged with 117 facilities about exemptions, with 130 facilities eligible to apply.

Please pray:

“I will give you every place where you set your foot…No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life.”  Joshua 1:3, 5

*   Let’s ask Jesus to give us strength and courage as we ask Him to bring solutions to this troubling situation.

*   Pray for all the elderly people who are facing the closure of their homes. And pray for those who have already been moved to new and unfamiliar places.

*   Pray for Aged Care Minister Anika Wells and her staff.  Pray that they will expedite the process of granting exemptions. Pray also that there will be a solution to finding staff for Aged Care facilities.

Praying for Issues in the News

Praying for Others

These segments have not been included this issue due to the bulletin being prepared “on the road” whilst editorial staff are away from the office undertaking other responsibilities.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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