National 24 Hour Prayer Watch 24/23

Walk Humbly with Our God

The LORD requires us to act justly, love mercy and to walk humbly with our God. (Mic 6:8) but if we are to act justly and love mercy in relation to our First Nation peoples do we need to walk humbly with our God? If we do humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord, He shall lift us up(Jam 4:10) and help us know how to pray about the vote for the Voice. We do want to see Christ more clearly, love him more dearly, and follow him more nearly (Bishop of Chichester 1253) for God has said “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people” (2 Cor 6:16) If we are to walk humbly with God “Humility is by not thinking less of ourselves but thinking of ourselves less. (C.S.Lewis) So as many of us think of the First Nations people, we know they have experienced injustice and mercy has not always been shown. We note that the wording of the Voice only focuses on the First nations people, but we are one nation.

There is an African proverb which says, “if you want to walk fast, walk alone – but if you want to walk far, walk together” We want to walk far into the future together with our first nation brothers and sisters, act justly, love mercy and together walk humbly with our God. We are likely to find ourselves being humbled by God, circumstances, or others. If we have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then let us be …like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.  Rather, in humility valuing others above ourselves, not looking to our own interests but each of us to the interests of the others. In our relationships with others, to have the same mindset as Christ Jesus who, humbled Himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross. (Phil 2:8) It’s a challenge to walk with Jesus, know Him more fully and His desire to walk with us.  He resists the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6) As we are willing to humble ourselves, we will find it applying to many other issues of life including our marriages, families, workplaces, churches and relating to people coming from different cultures. This will relate equally and reciprocally to all Australians however long or short has been their relationship with the Lord.

Let’s pray:

*  Australians all, let us rejoice, for we are one and free. Let’s pray for justice in our nation; for love for those who are merciful and for many to want to walk humbly with our God.

*  That that God will give those who lead our nation understanding hearts so that they can govern our nation well and know the difference between right and wrong. For they by themselves are not really able to govern our nation well (1 Kg 3:9)

*  That each of us will know, in relation to the referendum on the Voice how the Lord requires us to act justly, love mercy and to walk humbly with Him.


Praying for the Voice

As the referendum comes ever closer and debate over the Voice intensifies it is time to pray into the issue which will have a huge potential impact upon the future of our nation. Over coming weeks we will highlight areas where we believe we need to concentrate prayer in order that the result of the referendum is the best outcome for Australia and in line with God’s perfect will.

Let us pray:

*   That both the Yes and No cases will be put forward clearly, truthfully and without deception and that any attempt to do otherwise will be exposed and any underlying motives and plans revealed.

*   That people will take time to understand the issues involved in the referendum and not be taken in by worldly philosophies, arguments or ideologies.

*   For the binding of spiritual forces that would seek to distract, or cause mayhem and confusion in the minds of voters. Pray that people will be led by the Holy Spirit in the way they vote.


Government Takeover of Canberra Hospital

The federal Coalition has called for a Senate inquiry to investigate the ACT government’s forced takeover of Calvary Hospital for “ideological reasons”.  The call has come after the Catholic health provider lost its legal bid to halt the controversial acquisition. The hospital was criticised this year by an ACT parliamentary committee for its reluctance to offer abortions and its stance on voluntary assisted dying. Opposition health spokesman Anne Ruston said the judgement set a “dangerous precedent” for other religious institutions including aged-care homes.  The Australian Christian Lobby political director Rob Norman said the outcome exposed the vulnerability of religious institutions to “totalitarianism by law”, adding that when “rampant anti-life sentiment rules, we all suffer”.  LNP senator Matt Canavan is organising support for a motion to investigate all aspects of the Calvary purchase.  Church, business and medical leaders have claimed the new law risks setting a precedent for the take-over of religious-run services, is concerning staff and patients and is a “sovereign risk” to businesses with leasehold property in the ACT.

Please pray:

“God continues to work out His sovereign purposes – often silently and hidden.  God’s sovereignty is never cancelled out even by deeply sin-flawed leaders.  This means that we can trust His sovereignty in our life, our church and our culture.”  Nicky Gumbel, Bible in One Year 2023.

*   Pray for God to intervene in this situation, trusting His sovereignty in all things to bring about His purposes.

*   Pray for the Catholic and other Church leaders who are opposing this ACT government takeover.  Pray also for the staff and patients of the Calvary Hospital in Canberra.

*   Pray that Matt Canavan’s organising of support for a motion to investigate all aspects of the Calvary purchase is successful.


Praying for Issues in the News

*   The biggest study of the stone benchtop industry workers has found an “alarmingly high” one in four diagnosed with potentially deadly silicosis prompting researchers to call the results their “worst nightmare coming true”.  Please pray for the healing of those who have contracted silicosis, and for their families as they seek to deal with the trauma that having a potentially fatal disease places upon loved ones. Pray too that researchers will be given clues that will result in the discovery of a treatment for this disease.

*   Defence Minister Richard Marles has vowed to hold Australian Defence Force commanders accountable for war crimes on their watch after Senator Jacqui Lambie referred senior military leaders to the International Criminal Court. Please pray that justice will be done in all cases where there have been proven war crimes committed by Australian soldiers, and that all the blame will not be placed on the shoulders of the “on the ground” troops. Pray that those in command who in any way had a part to play in the decision-making process that resulted in such crimes will also be held accountable.

Praying for Others

This week let us pray for Afghanistan. Pray for Christians facing persecution and violence in the region. Pray that they find strength, comfort, and peace in God’s promises.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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