I am writing to invite you and your Church to be part of the historic 2023 World Prayer Assembly being held in Western Australia for the first time. The World Prayer Assembly was launched in Korea in 1984 to gather, teach and pray in various nations of the world. In 2022, Indonesia hosted the World Prayer Assembly, but due to pandemic restrictions, it was streamed to millions of people around the world, and this year the eyes of the Lord are on Perth, Australia!
The purpose of the World Prayer Assembly (Click here for our WPA promo) is to bring the Body of Christ together as a corporate gathering to pray—all nations united in one place with one purpose, to cry out to the Lord in one accord to the creator of the universe to hear our prayers and heal our lands. We desire to see every tribe, family and generation come together for this event.
With the increasing effects of disunity and division we have experienced over the last few years, the world needs the Body of Christ joining together united as one humanity, building bridges of hope and unity between denominations, Jews and Gentiles, young and old, fathers and sons, mothers and daughters and every nationality. A cry needs to be heard across the nations of the earth to see His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven to usher in a wave of glory.
The World Prayer Assembly carries a passion to see the next generation empowered, equipped and impacted through prayer to ignite a fire within them that will bring change to their schools, universities and places of learning. Children and youth of all ages will be fully catered for with programs to impart and activate prayer within them to change the world around them.
I would like to ask if you would consider being a part of this event yourself or sending someone from your church to be a part of the World Prayer Assembly 2023 in Perth, Western Australia. Please refer to the WPA Mission’s Letter attached herewith to explore ways you can join us or click here to go straight to our page.
Please don’t miss being a part of what God is doing through the WPA as we welcome you to Perth to join us from the 3rd–6th of October this year before passing the baton to Israel, where WPA plans to gather in 2024.
To find out more about World Prayer Assembly 2023, visit WPA2023AU.org for all the details you need, including accommodation options, dates, times, pricing and sign-up information. Or contact us direct at admin@wpa2023au.org
I hope to see you or someone from your congregation at the World Prayer Assembly 2023. As you join with us, I know there will be the shift the whole world needs.
Yours for prayer and unity – God is with us,
Emeritus Commissioner James Condon
Chairman World Prayer Assembly 2023
Source: World Prayer Assembly Office

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