National 24 Hour Prayer Watch 21/23

Moving in the Opposite Spirit

When we watch the TV news or read the daily newspapers, it is very hard not to be carried along with a general tide of negativity, fear and depression. What can we do about it? What is the answer?  Can we move in the “opposite spirit” to the world around us by walking in faith, not fear; victory, not defeat; generosity not greed; peace, not anxiety; love, not anger; integrity, not dishonesty; joy and not depression? Can we be like Caleb who had a “different spirit” (Num 14: 24) This could mean constantly forgiving people without saying a word and not judging them. Let us remember that “The things that are wrong with society today are the sum total of all the things that are wrong with us as individuals”. (Charles W. Tobey) In society we see truths becoming falsehood that can’t be challenged. Money dominating the way businesses and governments are run. Greed triumphing over generosity. True love being replaced by accusations of hate. Bondage dominating freedom. We can each show some of these. The Holy Spirit’s attributes are opposite. We are told  ‘Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good.’ (Rom 12:21) One way we can do this is by moving in the opposite spirit through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit whenever we see bad things happen. It is often hard not to act as we feel, but to represent God and His Word. It is a challenge to move in the opposite spirit and not judge people or try to change them or the situations. It is hard to be full of grace when we see people becoming angrier than ever before. It doesn’t come naturally. It is good to remember whatever has been against us or God’s work in our nation, the One who is in us is greater! (1 Jn 4:4) Moving in the opposite spirit can help us shake off any wrong attitude that afflicts us. It helps transform the atmosphere. We can take the opportunity to speak blessing when  others are speaking negatively. When we move in the opposite Spirit—the Holy Spirit—we are releasing abundant life. There are only two kingdoms, and they are at war. We want the kingdom of light to win in all the following areas of influence – the home; the church; schools; government and politics; the media; arts, entertainment, and sports; and commerce, science, and technology. In all of them God’s Spirit can work through His people which is the opposite way to the way that Satan is working.

Let’s pray:

* For the Lord to search us His people and know our hearts; to test us and know our anxious thoughts. To see if there is any offensive way in us and lead us in the way everlasting. (Ps 139:23-24) and enable us to move in the opposite spirit.

* For God’s Spirit to challenge this nation through His people who, by moving in the opposite spirit to the world, helps to wrest power from the god of this world and give it to Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of Lords.

* Thanking God that the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Rom 14:17a) In the world we will have tribulation. but we can take heart Christ has overcome the world. ( Jn 16:33)


Praying for the Voice

As the referendum comes ever closer and debate over the Voice intensifies it is time to pray into the issue which will have a huge potential impact upon the future of our nation. Over coming weeks, we will highlight areas where we believe we need to concentrate prayer in order that the result of the referendum is the best outcome for Australia and in line with God’s perfect will.

Let us pray:

*          That God’s Voice would be heard by all Australians as the referendum approaches and would influence their vote in order that the Lord’s will be seen in the referendum result. Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice” (John 10:27).

*          That those leading the public debate on the Voice would also be influenced by the Voice of God in their public utterances and that what is best for our nation would always be at the forefront of the debate.

*           That our politicians would lay aside any inflexible political and ideological positions they may currently hold and seek after what is best for all citizens of our nation and seek for a result that would unite us not divide us.


Praying for the Culture Wars Within our Political Parties

Within all of our political parties there are differences of opinion on issues of significance for Christians related to the impact certain issues have on our culture. Some parties hide those differences better than others. The opposition parties, particularly at State level seem most impacted which in turn weakens the strength of their role in maintaining a strong and vibrant political culture within our Parliaments.

Let us pray:

*    for a strengthening of the Christian voice within all our Parliaments particularly on moral issues which are under attack from many sources at present.

*    that those who do take a stand and seek to fight for righteousness will be protected against the fiery darts of the enemy and be able to stand victorious in the midst of the battle.

*    that Godly men and women in our various political parties across the nation would find favour amongst their peers and rise to the top of their respective parties this giving positive direction on the many contentious moral and cultural issues of our times.


Pray for Issues in the News

*    The latest inflation figures show an unexpected rise in the inflation rate for the month of April. This increases the likelihood of further interest rate rises with resultant hardship on many borrowers across the nation.  Please pray for those facing economic hardship that they would not lose hope but find ways of dealing with the difficult situation they may find themselves in. Pray that all of us may be alert and sensitive to any around us facing financial difficulty so that we do not lose any as a result of being overcome by a sense of despair and hopelessness.

*    Corruption is never far from the surface of public life in our nation. The recent exposure of one of our leading Accountancy firms using confidential information fed to them by the Federal Government to make money for themselves, and now the probe being undertaken by the prudential regulator against superannuation funds passing on millions of dollars of members fund to unions to influence the political agenda of our nation indicates that we must forever be on alert to ensure corruption does not become endemic in our nation. Please pray for further exposure of any actions being taken by those in positions to influence corrupt conduct in Australia so that such behaviour can be stamped out across our nation. Pray too for the proper punishment of those found to be doing wrong for personal or corporate gain.


Praying for Others

This week let us pray for Morocco. Pray for wisdom over parents seeking to raise their children to follow Jesus. Pray that God will use them as living examples of His love, compassion, and kindness.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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