National 24 Hour Prayer Watch 19/23

Fear God, Honour the King


We are told to fear God and honour the king ((1 pet2:17) The UK has certainly honoured King Charles. The world has seen this with all the pomp and pageantry of a great parade. But it was inside Westminster Abbey that he was anointed, challenged, and blessed following age-old traditions. He was anointed with holy oil but not lionised. Instead, he wanted to be a man under the authority of God and, like Jesus, not to be served, but to serve (Mt 20:28). Charles feared God and his coronation has been one of the most significant declarations of the gospel worldwide we have seen for a long time. Under the magnificent spectacle there was a simple Christian service which was enhanced by the wonderful praise and worship. The service incorporated both men and women as well as those from different facets of society, racial backgrounds, and church traditions. King Charles was challenged to be a man under the authority of Christ, to live a life worthy of the Lord, to please Him in every way: to bear fruit in every good work, and to grow in the knowledge of God. He would be strengthened with all power according to His glorious might in Christ.( Col 1:9-17) In many ways the gospel was being declared with grace and sensitivity across the world. Many would probably not see that, but, hopefully, there would also be many who did.

Instead of honouring the king, some revealed a strong rebellious spirit including seeing the whole spectacle as a total waste of money which should have been given to poor. They were like Judas who asked, “Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor?”  (Jn 12:5). Those in authority are always open to being challenged, undermined, or vilified. The truth is if people truly honour those in authority, like King Charles, they also fear God. So we can take this opportunity of the king being honoured to declare “Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth. ” (Ps 57:5) and “I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples.” (Ps 57:9). God has said “I will make an everlasting covenant with them, that I will not turn away from doing them good; but I will put My fear in their hearts so that they will not depart from Me. (Jer 32:40)

Let’s pray:

*   That God will be exalted above the heavens and His glory be over all the earth and His fear found in the hearts of many so that they will not depart from Him

*   For King Charles (and others in authority) to live lives worthy of the Lord, to please Him in every way: to bear fruit in every good work, and to grow in the knowledge of God. That they would be strengthened with all power according to His glorious might in Christ.

*   Thanking God for the wonderful way His word has been spread subtly across the world via television and the internet and that those who have ears to hear will be challenged by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor 13:14)


Understanding the Effect of Sin

Sin is not much spoken about in this world in which we live, for we would prefer to grant moral and spiritual license to ourselves and others. But our decision to ignore sin does not, in fact, cause it to evaporate. We can’t ignore sin out of existence; we can’t banish the idea of sin. Ultimately, we need to reckon with it. And when we do reckon with sin, we find we are helpless in its grasp. We find there is nothing we can do that will wash away the guilt and the pain of sin.  Because sin leaves a mark. It left holes in Jesus’ wrists, ankles, and side. And it scars us, too. Sin, you see, is what separates us from God, and from each other.

Please pray:

*   for a true revelation and understanding to be released in our nation of what sin is and how it impacts the lives of people.

*   for greater understanding both within and outside the Body of Christ as to how our sin resulted in the death of Jesus and for that realisation to release a spirit of repentance across our nation.

*   for greater understanding of how sin separates us from God and from each other giving us a reason to deal with sin in our own lives so that we can be reconciled with Him and each other.


Federal MP Backs Safe School for Indigenous Children in Alice Springs

Dr Gavin Morris, principal of Alice Springs Yipirinya school, has proposed getting Indigenous children off the streets and into the classroom by providing safe accommodation for them at school.  Northern Territory federal Labor MP Marion Scrymgour has backed this move and will meet Dr Morris to work through the issues in order to fast-track the proposal for a residential facility, part of which will be secure. She says she will push federal Education Minister Jason Clare to use funding earmarked for education in Central Australia. “We can’t have another generation that becomes illiterate and disengaged from the system and then just ends up on the scrap heap,” said Ms. Scrymgour.  “We’ve got to give young people some hope that they can live somewhere safely but they need to re-engage in the school system.”

Ms. Scrymgour called for the student accommodation to be built in a separate location from the grounds of Yipirinya, to be accessible to all students in Alice Springs and to be resourced with government and non-government money. Dr Morris said, “I’m happy to explore options that might not necessarily be on the Yipirinya school site, but also acknowledging this request has come from our key Elders, from community.  It’s not my idea.” Ms. Scrymgour has called for a similar project in Katherine. She said she would also support a secure facility in Alice Springs for young people as an alternative to the controversial Don Dale Youth Detention Centre in Darwin.

Please pray:

“Without good direction, people lose their way; the wiser counsel you follow, the better your chances.” Proverbs 11:14

*   Pray for Marion Scrymgour and Dr Gavin Morris and for Jason Clare.  Pray that they can both heed and give good direction that will have a good and Godly impact on the troubled youth in and around Alice Springs.

*  Pray for all at risk young people in Alice Springs, Katherine and Darwin.  Pray for the success of the proposed school accommodation.  Pray for the right people to staff it and guide the students and give them hope.

*   Ask the Lord to raise up good leaders in Alice Springs and across our nation within the Indigenous culture, who will bring honour to the name of Jesus and be a lasting example to the younger generations of Indigenous youth coming through.


Praying for Issues in the News

*  The crisis of credibility surrounding Indigenous art produced by the APY Art Centre Collective whereby it is claimed that substantial sections of Indigenous artworks have been partially painted by white assistants has forced the South Australian government to suspend funding for a new Aboriginal arts centre in Port Augusta. Please pray that the truth in this matter will be quickly established and that appropriate action will be taken against those who have been involved in this untoward and potentially fraudulent action.

*  The investigation in the ACT of events surrounding the alleged rape of political staffer Brittany Higgins by another political staffer Bruce Lehrmann has brought forth much disturbing evidence of alleged political interference in the case and a damaging dispute between the Federal Police and the ACT Director of Public Prosecutions over the case. Evidence given by Ms. Higgins has also been called into question. Please pray for the truth in this case to be brought out into the light and appropriate action taken against any found to have interfered in the case to the detriment of justice being properly administered in the case.


Praying for Others

This week let us pray for Saudi Arabia. Pray that new believers will find the support and discipleship they need to faithfully follow Jesus with perseverance despite persecution and pressure.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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