Girl Guides Remove ‘God’ from Camp Songs

Classic campfire songs that include references to God and religion will no longer be used by Girl Guides. According to new guidelines, leaders can change the lyrics of any song to omit religious and racist references that might make the girls feel unwelcome. The organisation cited examples of how the groups could make the songs “inclusive for everyone”. For example, one camp song has been altered to avoid using “Lord” and “God”. The original version said: “Oh Lord our God, Thy children call, Grant us thy peace, And bless us all. Good Night: Goodnight” But now, in the updated version, the girls sing: “Time for the end, our meeting’s past, Brownies is great, time flies so fast, goodnight.” The decision has raised questions among Christians, who think the organisation is trying to delete its Christian heritage.

“The Girl Guides and Scouts should remember that their founders, Robert Baden-Powell and his sister Agnes, were motivated by their faith,” Ciaran Kelly, of The Christian Institute, said. He continued: “Erasing traditions do not promote greater inclusion or diversity. Quite the opposite. The many Christian members of the Girl Guides will certainly question how welcome they really are. I hope they reconsider this decision.” However, in a statement, the organisation defended its decision: “We are proud to be an inclusive organisation. Our ambition for diversity and inclusion is for Girl-guiding to be a place where everyone is welcome and is free to be themselves.” “We encourage all members to consider how they can do their part to support our ambition to be a place where everyone has an equal sense of belonging.”

Source: Premier Christian News

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