A Prayer and Fasting Summit will be beginning Good Friday 7th April through to Resurrection Sunday 9th April 2023
This event will be held in the Merroo House of Prayer located at 182 Mill Road, Kurrajong, located at the foot of the Blue Mountains on the outskirts of Sydney.
“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him.” 1 John 3:1 ESV
Pastor David Broughton and the Merroo Ministry team have extended an invitation to all to set aside three days to dwell in the presence of, and connect with, our Heavenly Father for all He desires to do and speak.
Entry is free.
Accommodation and meals are available for those wishing to stay for the 3 days, or overnight. Booking such accommodation and meals should be undertaken prior to attendance. Live streaming is available for those who cannot attend the physical location.
For information on this event and to book accommodation and meals go to www.merroohop.com or contact Michael J Smith on 0405 159 623 or email service@merroohop.com
Source: Merroo House of Prayer

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